
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Great job Ubisoft!

Remember when Ubisoft used to make great games worth the 50-60 euro they costed? When Assassin's Creed I was the true next-gen with its climbing mechanics and when Splinter Cell was a franchise that had a new sequel every year? When console versions of their games didn't poop all over themselves with framerate issues and texture popping glitches? That time will come back, right? Right!?
I played Unity on my buddy's PC with a high end Intel i5 processor and the well-known MSI nVidia GTX 970 with 4GB of GDDR5 ultra fast memory. The game was installed on his 128GB SSD. When Ubisoft said that a GTX 680 would be a bare minimum to run their game, they, indeed, were more than right... The game runs at 15FPS average on that GPU! It barely reaches 45-50 FPS on the GTX 970, even with Ubisoft's special nVidia drivers installed, when in reality it should be reaching 60+ FPS. All this applies if the game is maxed out at 1080p except for the AA settings being set minimum to TXAA because setting it to SMAA 8x will reduce the amount of FPS by a staggering 20! And that is only in interiors...
TotalBiscuit did one of his port reports on this game, he was not satisfied at all. On his GTX TITAN, the game had the same FPS amount of FPS as the GTX 970 at some points during gameplay.
AC: Unity was also 'sponsored' by Microsoft during its development time, so it's no wonder that the Xbox One version looks a tiny bit better, while both versions run at 900p in 30FPS. The PS4 version suffers from certain random framerate drops where the game seriously hiccups, and that happends in more than a few places in Paris among which is one of the citadels.
First WATCH_DOGS and now this... But, WATCH_DOGS wasn't poorly optimized, it just looked uglier than what Ubisoft showed us earlier. Far Cry 4, it's a great game, although the tropical setting fits me more, that's just my opinion. The Division? It's already more than clear that the game will look waaay uglier than it was represented to look like, on the consoles of course. Ubisoft did say that The Division will look noticeable better on the PC which means that the PC gamers will be able to play the version shown at last year's E3. With that said, i think we can trust Ubisoft a little bit on this one, when it comes to the PC version.
I barely found any time to write, because right now i found some free time. I gotta study more so i can fix some grades lol... I dun fucked 'em up :D I'll write again soon, hopefully. Laters!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Inb4 mlg

So I was listening to a song from Rootkit called Ambush, and I stumbled upon this comment... (image below) Crazy eh? You should first play Counter-Strike to understand anything :) Laters.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

YouTubing and stuff

Yeah, I do have my own YouTube channel, nothing special really... Just another dude trying to achieve something by posting videos of himself playing various video games on his poopy PC.
Why is gaming the most popular branch on YouTube? As much as I like gaming and being a gamer, every goddamn day I see gamers battle each other with true fanboyism, hate and armpit sweat... I'm serious.
When I was about 10 years old (6 years ago) I discovered what YouTube really is. Back then, it was way more complexed, but it was still awesome. The rating system was based on stars, comments were different and better, people had usernames instead of their real names. Today, YouTube has a design that originates far back from 2010. It may not be the same as today, but it was a template for what we have today. Remember that before 2010, YouTube wasn't as customizable. You could only change your profile photo, cover photos were non-existent.
Over the past few years, with PewDiePie reaching YouTube's most subscribed channel and VEVO getting more glory, we can say that this is the Golden Era of video media...
Remember the times when there were no ignorant kids that needed attention? When you could play Minecraft without a bunch of them advertising their shitty-ass channel on a Minecraft server you play on... I certainly do, believe me.
The thing is, those kids weren't even born when YouTube was started (ok, most of them were, but they should show a bit more generocity and respect towards other players). They keep calling themselves gamers, but they only play Minecraft on a laptop that they begged for with all their strenght. It's easy living that life these days, just living-off others and giving two fucks. The amount of Minecraft-Only-YouTubers is hugeee! Half or even more than that of the entire gaming population on YouTube are Minecrafters!
This is why I don't like Minecraft YouTubers (shout out to Sky, he actually did an awesome job, even though he plays Minecraft most of the time). Most of them just like to advertise their channels and to draw attention to themselves. In reality, they just gain the opposite.
Some kid who is 11 or 12 started disrespecting me for telling him to stop advertising and spamming his YouTube channel URL on the HiveMC server. The kid's YouTube username was MaxTheUploader... Buuut i think his channel got deleted because he probably got into some copyright trouble (LOL!).
Sooo, yeah, that was my opinion on that stuff... Laters!