
Sunday, June 29, 2014

What is really a gamer?

What is really a gamer? Yep I know, the question should be starting with 'Who', but let's just leave it like this. Considering gamers as non-creative humans with no life is a wrong way of looking at life. For example, my buddy plays video games almost all day, every day, and he's one of the funniest people I know. I play games a lot and I still do sports and have a social life. Many gamers think they're true gamers, but they're actually not. 'I play League! I'm a gamer!', said the kids. If you only play LoL, you shouldn't even be called a gamer, not to mention true gamer. To be a gamer, you need to play at least 2 games at a time, while being a true gamer is when you have more than 100 hours on 5 games that you play or just having more than 5 games installed/standing on the bookshelf (console). I really can't stand when people tell me that I'm not a true gamer, when THEY only play LoL, PES, Hearthstone or CoD. I can say that neither of the YouTubers that play only Minecraft are gamers, but they certainly play more than just Minecraft in their private life. Well, that is all i had to say about gamers, hope you share my opinion, and if not, dun worry, you'll get a cookie too. Laters.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Assembling the monster...

So, I have been begging my parents for a new PC for the past two years, but they would always end up buying me something else (a tablet, smartphone). Since they are, fair to say, satisfied with my school work, they asked me what i would like to get. I was first thinking of buying a brand new build, but i think i'll just replace some components. I was thinking of paying 330 euro for an AMD Radeon R9 280X and about 270 euro on an i7 Quad Core, still not sure which. Of course, i would need a new case and a motherboard, as well as a new power supply and coolers. All of that would cost me around 850 euro, which i hope is good enough. Adding some RAM is also a must, so adding another 50 euro for 4-6 more giggs of RAM. Anyways, that would be it. Laters!

Monday, June 23, 2014


School has finally ended... Gawd... Longest two weeks of my life, but the entire school year went by really fast. I didn't post earlier because i was busy, playing basketball, running, going out with friends. The weather is awesome for bike riding too! A few hours ago i got back from a festival, called 'The JuneFest'. It's the last day today and there you can find a huge amusement park (temporary ofc), drink stands and concert tents (which BTW are huge as hell). I screamed so much of enjoyment that I lost my voice, and I'm coughing now, gg. I wasted this month's pocket money there, but I'll just keep myself away from parties and crazy payed stuff for a while. I didn't drink alcohol there (i hate it), i only drank one can of cola, payed an arm and a leg for it because, monies lol. It was a blast... Anyways, you know that feel when you think a girl you like symphatizes you too? Yerp. I'll talk to you peeps soon. Laters.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Getting shit straight...

Finally fixed some grades, now i have a few more and i'm golden. Anyways, I have to say I'm surprised by the upcoming CoD, it sure beats Ghosts... Hell, Ghosts had 'last gen' written all over it, but Advanced Warfare really looks and plays cool. Battlefield: Hardline will be okay, but I won't be getting it because i don't consider ban heists battlefields. I'll just stick to BF4 and wait for GTAV to mod the shit out of it. Talk to you all peeps soon. Laters.

Friday, June 13, 2014


Far Cry 4 has been announced and shown. I think the setting couldn't have been picked better, the game will probably feature Shambala (Shangri-La) like we saw in Uncharted 2. Uncharted 4 looks too good to be true... The PS4 will maybe be able to render faces like Nathan's, but the environment will probably look worse or the same as in previous installments. TLoU for PS4 looks great, although the same goes for the last-gen version. Xbox One has some badass exclusives, like the Halo Master Chief Collection, or Forza Horizon 2 (compared to DriveClub, it's better). However, the PS4 has better exclusives waiting at the door, but will those games really shine, i heff no idea. Laters.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Inactivity incoming/E3

So, school is reaching its end and i have to work my ass off to pass with flying colours. I won't be posting at all for the next week. I know it's E3 time, but it's also the hardest part of the school year. After this ends, i'll be getting a new PC, which means more games! Really excited about GTAV for PC this Autumn, the game will probably be playable on 5-6 year old processors and GPUs since 2008-2009. For me, the looks of the game don't really matter. What matters is that this game will also be on PC, not sure why R* would release it on next-gen consoles though... Those will sell the least,.probably. I also can't wait for the new Uncharted and Far Cry, Star Wars Battlefront looks amazing too! Batman Arkham Knight is sick!
Anyways, i'll talk to you bros in a week or maybe earlier. Laters.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

2 day school trip!

Just got back from my school trip dudes! Unfortunately it wasn't how i expected it to be, but my buds and i made ourselves a buttload of fun times. The hotel was shitty as hell... My bud found a dead,.dislocated locust on his bed, the towels had dry blood on them and there was no after-shower hair dryer. Great, eh? The bus rides were fun, although today everyone was pretty tired because last night we had a disco party and no one went to sleep until 3-4 AM and slept till around 6AM (like me for example). Some guys from my class got illegally drunk, so my head teacher was pissed AF. Gotta go see what's up on Facebook. Laters.