
Saturday, May 31, 2014

100th post special dudes!

Well, I heff to apologise for the rare posting... The posting frequency will, hopefully, increase through time, especially because the school will be breaking up soon and i'll be off to the holidays. Now, about my 100th special... I know that not that many peeps follow my blog, but i do know some do, sometimes. I wanted to say a bit more about myself, but not like my name and looks lol, so here we go...
I live in a small and poor country in Southeast Europe that is located between Italy and Greece (to make it simpler) called Serbia. I live in its capital, Belgrade (Beograd), one of the most humble and peaceful places on this giant planet we call Earth. I grew up in a hard-working family. When i was born, Belgrade was being bombed by the NATO airforces, luckily i don't remember any of those. As a kid, i had a passion for video games that could reach the sky. My first PC was a Pentium III, and boy it could run all sorts of games except for GTA. I liked sports at the time. Since then till now i have trained 4 different sports. At the time when i was 5, i would always ask my dad to show me some cool stuff in  3DMax (yep, it existed back then). All i could do was create and give shape to different shapes, but it was fun. When i finished 2nd grade of Primary, my parents bought me a PS3 (it came out a month before with its 600 euro price tag), i was sooooo happy! :D I would be playing it all day, every day, my eyes would become red, even though i was wearing glasses (i still am). I can also remember grabbing the last copy of GTA IV from the store shelf. I couldn't put the controller down at all once i started playing the game. One thing was for sure, my friends hated on me a bit because of my obsessiveness to video games, but i hardly cared, it was my choice whether i would be making my life better my way or not.
YourLocalNerd is just a part of the link i use when i create my profiles, it's usually in the description too. Why did i choose that? Well, simple, my friends call me a nerd, which i can be at some times, but rarely (i.e i study longer than 2-4 hours).
What about the name 'Comic King', you say? Well, there was this comic book design competition on a domestic level. I entered because i thought that MAYBE i could do something. After about 20 days, unexpectedly i got a message saying that i won 10th place in the country. I was speechless and exctatic... I couldn't believe that i actually had won something. Since that evening, my Steam nickname changed, forever. I finally had my own unique nickname... Absolutely unique (well, there are a few comic stores in Japan and China with the name as mine, but fuck 'em lol :P).
So, uuuh, there ya go! Something about me. I hope i'll get to post more about myself, but for now this is it :) I'll talk to you all soon. Laters.


Finding myself in the middle of a battle with an M4, a half filled pistol and an RPG while a tank is coming to fill me up with lead is only possible in games such as Battlefield. I would normally use my common sense and throw a sneaky C4 at the tank, but this time i had to improvise. Battlefield 3 brings us the nostalgia back from the times of Battlefield 2 with full on arsenal, destruction and carnage waiting to be taken at the right place and the right time.
The story follows a group of American squad members that go into Iran, Iraq and, of course, Russia to liquidate the bad guys. As much bad and boring it sounds, it actually really is. Constant cutscenes with dull dialogues and voice acting of Duke Nukem are stretchy, thus made me want to drop my joystick even faster. Before certain missions, you can choose your desired arsenal, ranging from perks to RPGs. Constant quick-action events are, indeed, a nice touch, but they fail to fix the overall influence. After passing the campaign and forgeting most of it immediately, i turned to the massive and thrilling multiplayer. As before, you get 4 classes, assault, recon, engineer and medic. Brand new long awaited option to customize weapons not depending on the class has finally been brought in, but the class drop-after-death has been kept. In order to assault your enemies, you can attack in more ways. For instance, my jet buddy took me to a high place, i jumped out, landed on a high building crawling with snipers, took all of them one by one. It's amazing on which places the snipers can be, but remember, bullets don't travel with the speed of light, every one of them has its trajectory until it hits the ground. Game modes such as rush and conquest are still here, along with squad DM and they haven't been changed at all.
The bright and shining looks of the Frostbite 2 engine are amazing and they push the consoles to the limit while the PC gamers can enjoy a bit better graphics and twice as much more players in games. The game doesn't require you to have such a powerful CPU nor GPU to play it on the lowest settings.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Which games I play... Which i don't.

When i was 4-6 years old, i had a PC monitor that worked thanks to the cathode ray tube. A few years later, i got a PC that i use even today, but mostly for games that won't burn my GPU or CPU to ashes. I was never really a fan of strategies or RTS games nor MMOs such as Star Trek Online or SWTOR (although i did play them for some time, until i reached a boss only beatable with premium items). I played League of Legends, but i realised i should just stick to Gmod, CS GO and other shooters/racing titles. LoL was fun for SOME time, but eventually it got boring and repetetive and I also realised that 90% of LoL players didn't get girls (if you think i'm wrong, think twice. Guys that no life on Tetris have a bigger chance of getting girls). Also, the LoL community is filled with try hard kids now... Makes me wanna puke. I mean, come the fuck on, internet cafés have been turned into LoL brothels! 'Uh, you killed my fucking Vayne, imma report you hacker Jewish bitch!' or better yet 'no wtf omfg y didnt u gone mid after i tell u to go mid u go top btch.. fck u jew cunt lern to play' and those are only Germans! You can't imagine what's it like with the Czechs and Polish guys, they also rage their asses off but in their language! LoL just makes me feel ok to play MW3 with kids that compliment me by calling me a hacker because i own them a few times with my predator missile. Gawd. Anyways, that's it for today. Talk to you guys tomorrow. Laters.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Entire world in a smartphone - Watch_Dogs REVIEW

NOTE: Upcoming reviews, including this one, will feature screenshots.
Games such as GTA and Saint's Row are famous for the ability to kill whoever you want, whenever you want. Watch Dogs is a game about power, power that, if it existed, would take over not just Chicago, but more than you can imagine.
The smartphone is your main weapon, but strange enough, it's quite unnoticeable. It can be used to hack into everything, from cameras to electrical facilities causing the entire city to lose elrctrical power for 10 seconds. By hacking into, let's say, someone's phone or their electrical thingies, you gather different info based on their clothing, looks and profession. Cameras are a vital factor. They represent steps and logical paths and are scattered all around the giant city of Chicago. Aiden can use them to hack into unreachable devices because of their big height mount attribute. I found it hard to like the lone character of Aiden Pierce, but then again, that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. During the 20 hour long campaign, upgrades can be bought, along with clothes guns and vehicles. While the selection may be vast, races truly were dissappointing. I did like the ride around the city, getting away from the cops and activating massive traps along the way hungry for more yellow blazing, but races show a true disbalance between you and your AI opponents. While they can just race and hit your side doors and bumpers, you can devastate them in a beautiful thus boring way. Quite much makes me surprised why there's no slow-mo in this game... The multiplayer is surprisingly great for a genre like this. Few game modes such as TDM and CTI (capture the intel) mainly focus on bringing down a buttload of bad luck on your enemies using your smartphone. You can also join another player's campaign anonymously and try to hack him and ruin a bit of his fun.
Chicago is an urban wasteland, a huge playground for you to conquer, and it's also one of the most beautiful cities you'll ever see. From huge skyscrapers to poor suburbian territories and polluted lakes designed with DirectX 11 tech, i let my tongue reach the floor. Character faces look realistic, lighting is smooth and explosions look marvelous. A lot of attention has been put into sidewalks and roads, while almost every single building has an interior.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Eh, people are dumb...

So, from time to time I go on YouTube to watch the trailers of the many CoD games, from CoD 4 to CoD AW. Wanna know why? I like the soundtracks in 'em. When i look to the dislike bar on every CoD trailer since CoD MW3, my mind puts my attention onto the comments section. It's mostly Battlefield fanboys bitching about how bad every CoD game is. Sure, it isn't what it used to be, but to complain about the game having small maps!? Da fuq!? Why would a game that evolved with small maps get bigger ones? Are you also gonna suggest to bring in a jeep that fires rockets out of the exhaust or better yet, rainbows coming out of your ass? Really? It's not like i'm choosing sides here (i haven't touched Ghosts in a long ass time) but to be that dumb, arrogant and plain retarded is just ridiculous. I'm not talking about a few people, i'm talking about thousands of haters. If you're gonna hate, make it rational. Going on a road trip with my school class on Sunday, it's gonna be awesome! I'll talk to you all soon. Laters.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Back from some more shit

Ummmm, well, shit has been going on. I actually live by a river and not so long ago there was long period of rainfall. Due to the massive rainfalls, i had to move to my old place on the other side of my hometown. Many rivers left their riverbeds and, well, my mom decided it was best to move out for a couple of days to a week. There i had no internet, so you might guess what sort of boreness i felt lol. I also got my phone fixed. I found a brand new battery, a very rare one, payed top euro for it (15€).  I guess i'm back to post more! I'll talk to you peeps soon. Laters.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The chase after Makarov continues - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 REVIEW

Modern Warfare 2 is the best CoD in the series, with all its content and thingies that we would have never expected. Modern Warfare 3, on the other hand, can be described as copy-paste or 'i've seen this before'. The game isn't bad, but so much same stuff is just ridiculous that this game could have been put out as a DLC, not as a 60 dollar release with no new stuff in it.
The campaign is a short, but satisfying experience, the story is clear, you play as Yuri, Price or some American or British soldier trying to kill Makarov. The story could have been longer, but IW got shut down a year before the release of MW3, so not that much money was given to them by Activision (AKA not that many fucks were given). I enjoyed the 4-5 hour campaign, it, indeed, had some amazing scenes. Shifting between Cpt. Price, Yuri and Soap is cool, and the story is quite interesting. The world is under the siege of a terrorist, Vladimir Makarov. Makarov is an example of a modern Hitler, with a few more extensions such as the word Russian written on his forehead. While there are no unexpected twists and turns, the campaign is mostly a pile of gun shootouts and very few intercations followed by some more shootouts. The AI of the soldiers is still the same (yes, which equals to mediocre). Enemies will still rush at you full speed to feed you with that brand new stock they bought at the local Russian gun store. Sometimes, enemies just stay put in one particular place until you come to knife them (they don't even notice you coming).
CoD: Modern Warfare 3 uses the same old engine used in CoD 4 and CoD: MW2, which makes the game look like... Meh. The same old props, the same models, the same guns that don't look polished since MW2... Just ultra-meh. I have found a door (yes, a white steel door) used since CoD 3 multiple times, usually where the enemy spawner is. With all this being the same as before, there is something new and strong, and those are the system requirements... But, don't get confused, i'm sure there was a mistake made by IW, and i think people even with single core CPUs (3.0 GHz) can run this game at least on the lowest settings.
After the great and satisfying campaign comes the multiplayer (along with Special Ops). It has been changed, but not necessarilly. New perks haven't been brought in, only their names have been changed (Assassin) or split into more different ones (Cold blooded has split into Blind eye and Assassin). Brand new things like the strike package, which allowes you to change the way you play (e.g. Assault gives you the normal killstreak system where when you die, your killstreak progress vanishes or Support where when you die, your killstreak progress persists). Assault has better killstreaks than support BTW. There also are, besides weapon attachments, weapon proficiencies. Proficiencies are like weapon perks that don't apply for the entire class you're using. E.g. kick reduces recoil and impact increases depth of bullet impact on stronger materials. Many of the maps look like the campaign mission maps, as before. On the other hand, there is Spec Ops, something we've already seen in MW2. Nothing's been changed, which I find good. As before, you beat smaller missions and you gain stars to unlock other new and better missions. This can be played in either multiplayer or singleplayer.

+                            -
    Great campaign                             Dull graphics
    Fun multiplayer                             'Seen before'
    Spec Ops

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is a fun game, it's potential is seen all around, while the dynamic charm makes me play it more every kill. I give this game an 8.7. For more game reviews, check out my blog. Laters.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


A bit rainy here... Not going to school for the next two days + weekend, but also no time for basketball because the weather is horrible... Oh well, i'll just go and play some CoD or CS or Minecraft... Anyways, i'll try and post more in the next few days. Laters.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The good old days...

When i was about 10 or11, i played my PS3 a lot, and when i say a lot i mean ALL DEY, ERRY DAY, until it broke meh :/. I played the heck out of CoD MW2 and i raged over the mic a lot, but i wasn't really a squeeker, my voice was actually pretty deep for that age. I would usually rage in my language, and some other German kids would join in with their German language (maybe they were Italians, i dunno). I came to a time where i would gain a prestige in two days, until i got bored on the 10th and bought BO I. BO I wasn't as good as MW2, i mostly got bored of it, even though it had some new fun game modes. The thing is, BO I died pretty fast after the releases of MW3 and BO II. MW3 was satisfying, mostly because it reminded me of MW2. I was still a rager, but mostly for trolling purposes. Yeah, trolling as a rager doesn't pay out, at least it sounds like it doesn't, but it does. Since i live in Europe, i mostly get into games with Germans, Brits, French, Dutch, Hungarian people and a lot of them rage andhave higher voices, and most people think that trolls have no life, but on the contrary they have a lot more of that 'life' in them than any other kid they troll. That's about it. I hope i'll be able to upload some troll montages onto my channel when i get my new PC (if i even get one). Laters.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Yes, we are back at it again... At this time of year, either IW or Treyarch (in the last few years VICE and Sledgehammer games also) announce a brand new CoD game. I remember when CoD: World at War was released, so much hype, almost 0% hate towards the franchise, and a year later, at the release of MW2, my favourite CoD, everything was just screaming 'Call of Duty'. Right now, i just play CoD BO II because it's a nice game, i don't have anything against Ghosts either other than its dull graphics, which aren't THAT BAD, but they aren't pretty either. Don't get me wrong, but, the only reason so many people hate on CoD is because it's almost the same game year after year after CoD BO I. I really have nothing against same graphics over and over again, look at Counter Strike for e.g, the game has some really muddy textures that've been here for a bit less than a decade. BF4 looks cool, a bit better looks than in BF3, cannot be compared to the CoD graphics equality but eh, there isn't much diff in BF either. It's not like i'm choosing sides here, but as much as people hated CoD or BF, those two games have outlived and will outlive many gaming franchises. These games will always have their gaming communities and fanbases (gamerbases lol). CoD: Advanced Warfare looks beyond what i expected, however, there still are signs of a polished 'Ghosts' game. The faces in Ghosts were nice too, and i doubt Kevin Spacey's face would be much different in that game. Other stuff such as abilities look cool, but i really don't like the idea of cloaking, because i got tired of it in Crysis 2 and 3 because of all the campers and such which of in CoD there are a billion. I have nothing against a futuristic era as long as there are no superpowers like in Crysis. You can check out the reveal trailer on YouTube. Laters.

So, who really is Boomer Kutlača (pronounced as Kutlacha)

A lot of my friends and people i know ask me who is Boomer Kutlacha. Well, it all started in 6th grade of Primary school, i did not have anything else to do other than reading a boring book, so i fetched myself a piece of paper and started drawing a comic book. At first i used to draw something based on what happened that day or the previous day or the previous week etc etc. Humans would be made out of a head, torso and limbs and legs along with feet. Shoes would mostly be the same on everybody, i would mostly make a difference based on characters' shirts because all of their faces were the same too. After a year or so, i got bored of drawing myself along with my friends in some boring events no one cared about, so i thought of a character who is of my nationality, but doesn't live here. In just 10 seconds i came up with a name that i would be awarded, honoured, blessed for for the next 3 years. The guy's name was Boomer Kutlača (Kutlača in my language means 'a big spoon' or whatever, i dunno how to translate that, and is a real life surname used today in my country). The comic book name was 'Crazy adventures of Boomer Kutlača'. Just after a few months, my arts teacher saw some of my work and she told me that i should send some of my work to a competition, so i did. Totally unexpectedly, after a month i was told that i got 10th place in my country. I was dazzled, it just came out of nowhere. A simple hobby turned into something serious, and i never expected it to be happening... I still draw episodes from time to time, but free time is never an option in Middle School. Anyways, that's how it all started, but i doubt it will turn into something way more serious because mom and dad don't really want me to be a comic book artist because comic book artists don't usually get that much money for their work. I'll talk to you all in a bit, hopefully. Laters.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The bearded Noah

I was at the movies with some friends the other week and we went to watch 'Noah' starring Russel Crowe. The movie was cool, and it had some unexpected fight scenes, but not too many of them. I wish i could have watched it with another friend of mine, because i think we would have had more fun and laughs than i had with my friends. Anyways, i recommend everyone to see this piece of eye candy! Laters.