
Saturday, May 31, 2014

100th post special dudes!

Well, I heff to apologise for the rare posting... The posting frequency will, hopefully, increase through time, especially because the school will be breaking up soon and i'll be off to the holidays. Now, about my 100th special... I know that not that many peeps follow my blog, but i do know some do, sometimes. I wanted to say a bit more about myself, but not like my name and looks lol, so here we go...
I live in a small and poor country in Southeast Europe that is located between Italy and Greece (to make it simpler) called Serbia. I live in its capital, Belgrade (Beograd), one of the most humble and peaceful places on this giant planet we call Earth. I grew up in a hard-working family. When i was born, Belgrade was being bombed by the NATO airforces, luckily i don't remember any of those. As a kid, i had a passion for video games that could reach the sky. My first PC was a Pentium III, and boy it could run all sorts of games except for GTA. I liked sports at the time. Since then till now i have trained 4 different sports. At the time when i was 5, i would always ask my dad to show me some cool stuff in  3DMax (yep, it existed back then). All i could do was create and give shape to different shapes, but it was fun. When i finished 2nd grade of Primary, my parents bought me a PS3 (it came out a month before with its 600 euro price tag), i was sooooo happy! :D I would be playing it all day, every day, my eyes would become red, even though i was wearing glasses (i still am). I can also remember grabbing the last copy of GTA IV from the store shelf. I couldn't put the controller down at all once i started playing the game. One thing was for sure, my friends hated on me a bit because of my obsessiveness to video games, but i hardly cared, it was my choice whether i would be making my life better my way or not.
YourLocalNerd is just a part of the link i use when i create my profiles, it's usually in the description too. Why did i choose that? Well, simple, my friends call me a nerd, which i can be at some times, but rarely (i.e i study longer than 2-4 hours).
What about the name 'Comic King', you say? Well, there was this comic book design competition on a domestic level. I entered because i thought that MAYBE i could do something. After about 20 days, unexpectedly i got a message saying that i won 10th place in the country. I was speechless and exctatic... I couldn't believe that i actually had won something. Since that evening, my Steam nickname changed, forever. I finally had my own unique nickname... Absolutely unique (well, there are a few comic stores in Japan and China with the name as mine, but fuck 'em lol :P).
So, uuuh, there ya go! Something about me. I hope i'll get to post more about myself, but for now this is it :) I'll talk to you all soon. Laters.

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