
Friday, May 2, 2014

So, who really is Boomer Kutlača (pronounced as Kutlacha)

A lot of my friends and people i know ask me who is Boomer Kutlacha. Well, it all started in 6th grade of Primary school, i did not have anything else to do other than reading a boring book, so i fetched myself a piece of paper and started drawing a comic book. At first i used to draw something based on what happened that day or the previous day or the previous week etc etc. Humans would be made out of a head, torso and limbs and legs along with feet. Shoes would mostly be the same on everybody, i would mostly make a difference based on characters' shirts because all of their faces were the same too. After a year or so, i got bored of drawing myself along with my friends in some boring events no one cared about, so i thought of a character who is of my nationality, but doesn't live here. In just 10 seconds i came up with a name that i would be awarded, honoured, blessed for for the next 3 years. The guy's name was Boomer Kutlača (Kutlača in my language means 'a big spoon' or whatever, i dunno how to translate that, and is a real life surname used today in my country). The comic book name was 'Crazy adventures of Boomer Kutlača'. Just after a few months, my arts teacher saw some of my work and she told me that i should send some of my work to a competition, so i did. Totally unexpectedly, after a month i was told that i got 10th place in my country. I was dazzled, it just came out of nowhere. A simple hobby turned into something serious, and i never expected it to be happening... I still draw episodes from time to time, but free time is never an option in Middle School. Anyways, that's how it all started, but i doubt it will turn into something way more serious because mom and dad don't really want me to be a comic book artist because comic book artists don't usually get that much money for their work. I'll talk to you all in a bit, hopefully. Laters.

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