
Sunday, September 28, 2014

My love and me :3

I don't usually post topics like this one, but I think this will be the first and last post of this type.

Two days ago, a week passed since the start of something awesome. But let's go a bit more back into time, shall we?
Three weeks ago, i started talking with a girl i had a crush on since the school field trip in June. Yes, it is a long time from now, but I was a shy-ass and i still didn't know how to ask a girl out... Ok, i did go to the movies with a girl before that, but she was one of my best buddies.

Over the course of the Summer holidays, my feelings towards my crush started to fade away... I didn't see her for a long time lol... When school started, the feels were back again, but then again... I felt more confident, even though I was still the same dude as the one in the first year of secondary school.
Her name was Christine... Or, as our French teacher would say, Christinne. I bumped into her on my way to school about 3 weeks ago, and we talked for the first time... Real talk, not like 'Hi!' or something like that. After school, i sent her a message and introduced myself in a ridiculous way... 'Yoyo, i'm the guy who walked to school with you earlier today xD. Just curious, who is your English teacher?'... Yep. That message started the fuse... If i can even say 'fuse'... But nevermind. We started talking every day before and after school, we laughed at school, we would text each other all the time during classes... At that point, i started thinking that maybe she likes me too... But then again, I would think how beautiful and nice she is and that maybe she likes someone who likes her back... There would always be a fear, that I couldn't overcome a single fucking time.

The chats lasted for a week and a half... Then, on September 19th, i asked her to hang out. She was happy to come ^^. At the glorious view over at Danube river, we talked and all the sudden we kissed... And it all started... Still lasts, and hopefully it will for long time to come... Right now, it's kinda hard for me to believe that I'm in a relationship with a girl that I love so much and that i liked before it all started! Now... She's my everything...

I'm a bit bummed because we can't go out this evening... The Pride is in Belgrade today, and it won't be safe to come near the city centre during the entire day, due to the hooligans and such...

Chrissy, I love you. <333

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Is Call of Duty dying?

Don't hate on me, but I really did enjoy Call of Duty: Ghosts, i find it really fun and dynamic, the multiplayer is cool (although glitchy and laggy at the same time) while the campaign was something like from a third party game... Yes, my point is, i liked Ghosts only because of its multiplayer, and I also think that Call of Duty should be a game better optimized for consoles. What do i mean by that? Well, because of balancing! The PC versions of all CoD games have guys hacking and what not.

Now, is this franchise really dying? I would say so... Since Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the hater base has increased by 3-4 times from what it had been before. Let me admit, CoD MW3 is my second favourite game in the franchise, first is MW2, but i kind of get it why people started biasing Call of Duty more largely from MW3... We can just conclude that everything started going down the drain after that Infinity Ward break-up in 2010, being followed by the formation of Respawn Entertainment, under the ownership of Electronic Arts, which is widely recognised today as the developer of Titanfall.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare does look like an awesome game, and as far as i know, the graphics in all CoD games have never been downgraded from their E3 or GamesCom form. I believe that this game will be awesome, but not sure how the people will like it, judging by the fact that many hated on Black Ops II because of its futuristic setting... Then again, we have Titanfall, a game that many praised to be the Call of Duty killer, but for me, it turned out to be another great shooter that deserves a sequel that might get that title.

So, where does this leave us? Is Call of Duty dying? Yes. Will it die out soon? No. Many people still play the game, because of its gameplay and features. (WARNING: After this sentence lies a form of personal opinion, so if you don't agree, show it with a nice pack of words. I'm serious.) If you ask me, every video game will die out at some point in time. There will always be new generations of kids that will be buying CoD games every year, because, Call of Duty is still the most popular shooter out there, whether we like it or not.

I gotta go now, my corn is ready to be eaten. Laters.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Some things...

Hey look! I have a Samsung Galaxy SI... It can't bend! But guess what! The new iPhone 6 changes shapes wherever you go. Literally. If you have skinny jeans, don't put your phone there, put it in your jacket... Or just sell the damn thing and buy an android phone which costs less, and breaks less... I also have a chemistry test today... Boy, am i not excited... Chemistry is my least favourite subject, mostly because i don't plan on doing anything chemistry related in the future. After school today, there's something called 'Night of the explorers'... Got no clue what it is, but since my girl and some other friends asked me to go, i'll go. I mean, it is Friday after all, right? :D I'll talk to you all later.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Here we fucking-go again

GTA V will be hitting the current-gen waves this November, and the PC waves in January... The game will have a few additions, it will still look the same, but badass at the same time, too. As for me, i'll just wait it out for the PC version... And no, it's not because i dislike or hate the consoles in any way. I don't have a PS4 or an XB1 because i don't feel the need to pay in order to play online. It may be a small sum of monies, but i'd rather play everything online on my PC for free. Yes, it may turn out better to buy a PS4 for 450 euro and enjoy the game in 60FPS, 1080p (the same would be for Xbox) but since i'm more of a spending-my-money-on-PCs kind of guy, i'll just stick with the PC version. The amount of hate between the PC and the console gamers has never been bigger. On one side are the lonely PC gamers, defining their #MasterRace, while on the other side are the console gamers, divided into 3 groups, SONY peeps, MS peeps and Nintendo peeps. So far, when it comes to differentialities in games, PC does take an advantage in ex. BF4 or Watch Dogs, but the consoles are still there. Dead Rising 3 runs at 720p 30FPS on the XB1, but at 1080p 60FPS on GTX 780, which is a very strong card. I believe that, since that game first came out, the desire for hate had never been bigger before. 'Console gamers are kids, they get what they want, but in the end they want more'... 'PC gamers are like kids, they feel the desire for more'... So yeh, all of the gamers are kids then, which is mostly true, considering that 60-70% of the gaming population are peeps aged under 18. But, that ain't my point. My point is, you should be happy with whichever game and platform you choose, because the diffies are so small, that you wouldn't be able to notice 'em at all. BF4 does indeed run 720p on XB1 and 900p on the PS4, both locked at 60FPS, while the PC version CAN run in 4k resolution with GTX 780 or Titan locked at 30FPS (due to the fact that no GPU on the market can run at a better framerate, and because EA set it so it's not possible to go higher, because your GPU can explode.). Again, if you are a gamer, you shouldn't give two fucks about which platform you're playing on. If you hate others and call yourself a gamer, then you're no better than those kids that play Minecraft and only Minecraft... Laters.

Sunday, September 14, 2014


Back in 2010, in the FIBA (Basketball) World Cup, my country, Serbia, made it to the semi-finals to play against the Turks. The way to the semis was hard and stressful, yet we made it there. The thing is, Serbia would've probably even defeated USA in the finals, but since the refs weren't too kind to the Serbs, Turks proceeded and lost by 20-ish points. This year, 4 years after the semis and 12 years after the 2002 finals victory over Argentina, we've made it to The Finals. Yes, the finals, in the best sport in the world (i like soccer too, but basketball is better for me). In just a few hours away from now, our big five, Teodosic, Bogdanovic, Krstic, Raduljica and Bijelica will go against Fareed, Rose, Curry, Irving and Davis. People say that this is the strongest USA team ever assembled, going through the championships without a single loss. Serbia had a score of 2-3 in the group stage (lost against Brazil, France and Greece), and in the elimination stage, Serbia beat the Greeks by 15, Brazil by 28 and France by 5. Now, everyone says that USA will win, which is probably gonna happen, but, even if we win or lose, we will still be second in the world... SECOND! A small and poor country like mine, to be second in the world, in a sport that half of this planet plays! It's amazing! It's something that almost no one expected! Especially after a tough group stage! All i gotta say is... Good luck legends! We all know that you guys, that have let a huge beam of sunshine onto our small country, will do your very best, even though you guys have now made us one of happiest people in the world! Silver has been obtained, now let's 720rek for the gold! :D

Saturday, September 13, 2014

A new console or no?

A few years back, my PS3 broke down, got the Yellow Light of Death, and fixing it just wouldn't pay off... Because it was a fatty. For the past few days, i've been counting my allowance money, and decided i should buy another PS3, but the slim version. I won't be buying a new build yet, because, school will be after that, and a console would be awesome, since i can try out many games that i still haven't, like TLoU, UC3, Heavy Rain, Assassin's Creed IV (played on my buddy's Xbox), Assassin's Creed III, Dishonoured, and let's not forget all of the CoDs that are the best to be played on console. These aren't all the games, as i also wanna play through the entire GTA V campaign (can't wait till January for the PC version, duuuh). Now, why not the PS4 or Xbox ONE (or 360)? Well, the thing is simple, as much as i wanna play the next-gen games on the consoles, i would still have to pay the membership fees in order to play the damn things online, which sucks... PS3 has free online multiplayer in every single game, so why bother right? And, i also wanna get back the trophies I once had, since my old PSN is forever gone, lol. Anyways, gotta study math now, damn subject always takes my brain out... Laters.

Monday, September 8, 2014

My decision

So, i've decided to keep this blog running for a bit longer than expected... Won't be posting as much, school started. won't have time... Life has reached a phase where you either win or lose, and it seems that I'm in a loss. My self-confidence has never been on a high level, and even though you readers think that money buys happiness, no, it does not. I said it myself, I expected more from this summer, much more, and I didn't get as much. Like a lot of my friends, I'm constantly feeling depression, but then again, it's not like I'm suffering from it. Each day I hope for something good, and in the end, I feel miserable for some reason... It's nothing about school, just that I really gotta work on my moral, confidence, mental strenght... I'll talk to you guys later.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Building a new PC!!!

Ey, i know no one reads this, but I will still write... So, i've spent most of my studying time looking at newegg, amazon and some domestic PC part retailers, and even though I still haven't made my choice completely, here's what I can remember from Asus GeForce GTX780 4GB GDDR5 384-bit with a 945MHZ clock speed; Intel i7 4770k Quad Core 2.4GHz clock speed with turbo boost to 3.4 6MBs cache; 250GB SSD 500GB HDD; stock monitor... So, i can't remember the exact names of the motherboard and the case, but lemme tell ya, the case looks awesome for just 30 euro, it's got SNIPER in its name ;) I would've copy/pasted but since my phone poops all over itself when two or more apps are running, it's impossibru. The price of that rig (w/o the monitor, keyboard, mouse) would be at about 1200 euro... Kind of expensive, but with a rig stronger than the consoles and with 4k support on the GTX780, i think i'm good. As far as for the date of purchase goes, i will try to get it built somewhere at around New Year or Christmas (Orthodox Christmas, January 7th). With that PC i will be able to easily play the newest releases in 1080p with 30+ FPS and record with NVidia's famous ShadowPlay, a piece of screen recording software that almost doesn't even lower the FPS and doesn't cause performance issues at all. I'll be talking to you peeps later. Laters.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

A new chapter...

So, coming back home was something pleasant for me. Never actually been away from home for a full month, and yes, i missed it... A lot more than I expected I would. What was Dubai like? Hmmm, not sure how to explain that, but we could say I had fun, sort of. I came back about a week and a half ago, and, I don't miss Dubai at all. Most of my time there I spent in my hotel room, playing Minecraft or Battlefield 4 on my dad's laptop. Basically, staying at the beach after 1 o'clock is a bad choice, because you might just get a heat attack. Temperatures there go up to 46-50 degrees Centigre (about 120-130 Farenheit), and the massive amount of humidity that keeps the air hot, makes you think it's 60 degrees. You don't even sweat! Having a few water bottles with you at all times is a must, good thing the water is cheap, unlike the rest of Dubai. Food in non-Hindu restaurants is expensive af and the food quality is the same, except for the ambient which is more decorated. Metro is really clean, not a single piece of trash in sight, and you can't chew gum while in the train, even though no one obeys that rule, but no one also sticks it under a seat. There are barely any pickpockets, but I recommend you have your eyes on your pockets at most times, you never know who might stick their greedy hand in there (and the pickpockets are European). I also visited the top of Burj Khalifa, it was sick! I saw the best part of the Al Zayed road that goes through the 7 emirates (kinda like a Route 66 for the Emirates). Also, the buildings and hotels look badass from there. At night, in front of Burj, huge fountain shows happen, and they're amazing! A few days before my departure, I had a swim at a beach that has a look over at the Burj Al Arab, world's first 7 star hotel. It looked even better live, especially because it was day-time. I got stung by a few jellyfish while I had a swim on the Jumeriah beach 1 (there are 6 Jumeirah beaches). Those jellyfish can be up to 20-30 centimetres long, and if they sting, you will be in pain for the next two days, but they're not poisonous, so it's not that bad. Not all of them are huge, and not all stings hurt that long. Also, once we got ordered out of the water because sharks had been seen about a mile away, but it lasted for only 20 minutes. Now, if you stay in a four star hotel in Dubai, whatever the fuck you do, DON'T DO YOUR LAUNDRY in the hotel, because I did it, and it wasn't pleasant for my dad's wallet. We sent our clothes to be cleaned 2 times, had to pay 100 euro for those 2 times... Not to mention that we also payed 30 euro for a pepsi and a coffee... After all that we only went to Starbucks, where we got a nicer wallet treatment. Since I'm a big Star Wars geek and fan, my dad bought me a t-shirt for my bday. I bought it in some store in the Dubai mall that had some collector's items, like a Bugatti engine, a YAMAHA piano and the third ever issue of the Spiderman comic book. How much did it cost? 30.000 dollars. How thin was it? About 1.5 centimetres (about 50 pages). Best bargain ever, right? The Dubai mall has its own ice rink, while the Emirates mall has a ski hill. So, does it pay off to go to Dubai? Sure, if you wanna spend money on senseless shopping and 50.000 dollar watches and 20.000 dollar Luis Vuitton handbags, and get stung by jellyfish. Don't get me wrong, I liked Dubai, but it simply isn't for people from third-world countries like me. I'll try and blog more often, but school has started, so i can't guarantee anything. Laters.