
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The images i was talking about...

This image was created out of a few simple ones, i really don't have the nerves to upload those ones too :)
The guy i made this for asked me to create an image with a brick, money (spelled it wrong on purpose) and of course his two online aliases (-hg- Brick and Pedophile °AQ°). I wasn't really satisfied with how the image came out, as i literally created every single part of it (didn't take anything off Google).

Some people are just really unreasonable...

I've been working on more photos yesterday, today i hope to do so too. Yesterday, some guy/girl (heck if i know) from Scandinavia (means that person is from Finland, Sweden or perhaps Norway), when they saw some of the images i EDITED, accused me of stealing. What did they mean by that? They meant that i just take an image off Google, change the colour of it to B&W and i just put my name on it. It's quite interesting how that person does the same thing, but instead uses a PC to do it (i use a tablet, meaning i can't use GIMP or Photoshop to edit photos, so it's most likely that my edited photos are going to look worse and much less detailed than theirs). And of course, i didn't just change the colour of the image, i added light lences, stickers, different colour effects, smart blur and what not. It's not like i said that I CREATED that image. Of course, the thing i did wrong was that I put my name on it after i had edited it, so i'll just upload images without my name. That person does the same thing, but still pours shit about the images i edited. I mean, everyone starts out like that, it's not like i didn't say that I'm a rookie, a freshman, a beginner somewhere where that person could see it, appearently i was already seen as added competition. You think i know? I don't, because I don't see my edited images so great, they could be a lot better. Anyways, i was just really mad because some people had to be the Cpt. Obvious in there. I'll be posting some more edited photos, along with the originals in the meantime. Laters.

Monday, December 30, 2013

More photo editing!

I've been quite busy with the photos that I was editing... I made a few more, some were for my friends, some were just for fun. I'll attach some below:
The original didn't have any letters or names
This was made for a friend of mine... He requested Shin Chan's ass dance, so i did it...

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Photo editing!

I stumbled upon some photo editing apps, and I'm quite surprised what they have to offer. I found 3 apps that might make your photos look better, two of them are free (PicsArt and Aviary), one can be bought for 2,69 euro on the Google Play Store (Zoom FX). PicsArt is a photo editing app that lets you create unique fonts, shapes and effects, while Aviary has the best stickers (most are free, but the best ones are payed) and Zoom FX lets you edit on the go, which means, while you're filming, you can put in some stickers or movinb effects (the app is updated regularly and it has many free DLCs). As you can see, every single one of these three has its own advantages. For example, i download an image from Google Images, put it in PicsArt, add some colours, crop and then i send the picture over to Aviary where I put the necessary stickers. After that, the image goes to Zoom FX, where I can, for example, if i have a dog in my picture, put Queen Elizabeth next to it etc. I find photo editing on tablets way less complicated than on PCs. Anyways, you can check out some of my work out below. If someone needs help, they are free to post a comment. Laters.
Edited image.
The original.
Second edited image.
The original of the second edited image.


If anyone of you peeps listens to Eminem on a daily basis, you should definitely listen to this, best stuff ever! Anyways, just got my PC, still haven't plugged it in or anything, or installed a new OS (WinXP was broken, so i moved onto WinVista). With WinXP i couldn't play, basically, anything, what I could play was Garry's Mod, TF2, Counter-Strike Global Offensive blah blah. There are a lot of games for XP actually, buuut, none of them are new. With WinVista, i'll finally be able to play Just Cause 2, Crysis 3, every Assassin's Creed starting from the first one, GTA V (probably will be out for XP too), Saint's Row IV, every Need For Speed etc. Now, the problem is, how will i play those games if I have to study (thread below, i wrote about fucking up my grades)? Well, i will play some games for a short, very short, time and then i'll just leave my PC to get eaten by the dust. Mind my post title as it has nothing to do with the topic. Laters.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Back from the cinema yo

This will be the first time that I will post twice in one day. Sweet. Anyways, just got back from the cinema (movie theater, whatever) and as I had said before, I was going to watch Hobbit: The desolation of Smaug. Lemme tell ya this, the movie is awesome! Way better than the first part, in my opinion. The adventure of Bilbo, Gandalf and of course, their dwarf  friends was terrific! I'm a fan of Star Wars and Indiana Jones, as well as fan of the LoTR, but I dunno if everyone would like this movie, especially if they haven't watched the first part. I went to watch it with a friend of mine, after that we walked around the mall in which the cinema was located in. It was fun, but I strongly recommend to watch the movie to anyone! Anyways dudes, i gotta run now, it's getting pretty damn late. Laters.

The biggest rip-offs in gaming

I once bought a game for my PS3 called 'Rogue Warrior', i was 12 at the time. The game costed 50 euros... Right when I started the game, i was grossed out by the game's mechanics and AI movement and its brains. AI coontrolled soldiers would react to your presence only if you shot at them, or if you blew up a barrel, and since there's a ton of stealth and backstab sequences (probs more than Hitman) they're worth absolutely shit... Those sequences can be cool, but don't really bring the score up even for a TINY bit! Not to mention that I found myself finishing the game in less than 2 hours! Thank God i got a refund, otherwise I would file a complaint. Duke Nukem Forever... Bought it once, played it once... I was shocked when I saw the reviews for the game and I said to myself:'Why not give this game a try, it can't be that bad, i played the original'. I downloaded a cracked version of the game (sorry, had to do it). The beginning was very cool and had some nice touch, but soon I realized that the developer that had been working on the game first, stopped working on it after they had finished the first two levels, after that Gearbox took the project over and decided to do it in its own way. Duke Nukem Forever sucks after tne first two levels, the game looks like it was made back in 2003-2004. Of course, it's using the old Unreal Engine 2 (Unreal Engine 3 had already gotten old by the time DNF came out). One more rip-off, Day One: Garry's Incident. Was voted to be on Steam via Greenlight (a part of Steam that is like Kickstarter, but only for games). A lot of people pre-purchased the game, and when the game came out, everybody wanted a refund, absolutely everybody. Some of the developing team members voted the game with scores such as 7,8,9,10/10 on Poor bastards didn't know that they would increase the bad publicity that they already had. Day One: Garry's Incident is, indeed, one of the worst video games ever made, you can watch TotalBiscuit's 'WTF is...?' on YouTube about the game. Anyways, gotta go and have a nice warm shower before I go to watch Hobbit 2. Laters.
Will he ever come back?
This thing doesn't even exist in the game!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Moving fast!

Wow, the blog is 2 weeks old, and It already has 200 pageviews! Thanks for helping me get to this number pretty damn fast! Now... Over to sports, yeyah :)! Two seasons ago, Harden was playing in the OKC. It were the playoffs. 'There goes Metta WITH THE SLAM DUNK on James Harden and... What is this!?'. Metta was celebrating his amazing dunk by hitting Harden with his elbow, on purpose, and not giving a single shit afterwards. I then asked myself, why is, therefore, Metta called 'World Peace'? He fought the crowd in, i think it was AT&T center in SA... Does he really deserve that name, or did he just put it there for showing off...

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Back to video gameeees!

Sorry if I was being a bit boring with my topics that weren't related to video games and such... I just watched an amazing movie starring Samuel L. Jackson called 'Coach Carter'. One hell of a badass movie, and I recommend it to ANYONE who is an athlete. During the winter break I won't be able to play video games all the time, I gotta make sure I don't mess up my grades at school again. I was really, really bummed when I heard that Watch Dogs is delayed... UNTIL THE NEXT YEAR! It could have brought a bit more light onto the new consoles, because I'm definitely not satisfied with the games out now... NBA Live 14 is pure bullshit, Knack, Lococycle and some sort of a fighting game for Kinect really disappointed me... Call of Duty Ghosts gets a better score on most sites than BF4!? Where's your life!? Forgot it on the motorway you say? Well too fuckin' bad, 'cause IW executives were pretty sure that CoD G: would be breaking GTA V's records pretty damn soon! I mean, this may seem like hating, but hey, next gen technology in 'fish move out of the way when you get close to them'? The game was probably better polished for next gen and PC than the old gen consoles on purpose, so we get the idea of an improvement... I would buy CoD G: right now, but the only thing stopping me from buying that game is it's kiddy, shitty, no good, manipulant, expensive price tag. 60 euro for a game every year, with same looks and multiplayer, only different campaign (which can last for 3-5 hours and still not make sense at all)? And DLCs costing at around 15 euro just to get some shitty maps that cannot even push all the game modes on them? Yeah, yeah... Good luck with that IW, as the entire gaming community has turned against your stupid ass and replaced you with their all time hatred, Justin Beiber (who is about to 'retire'). Anyways, CoD has gone to shit after CoD Black Ops, so yeah. Laters.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

School has unofficially ended

Yay, no more school work, I can just sit back and relax... Not really. My average grade is 4,4/5 and I cannot say I'm satisfied, but it's the end of the first term (semester) so I don't care so much. The first term always was about letting you know which subjects you have to focus more on, nothing much. At the end of the school year (June) the real stuff kicks in, and the results you have then show your real knowledge. It's actually quite unfair sometimes, because the education system here is a bit more harder and more complicated than the one in the US. My class got divided into two groups for the IT class, and I got the waaaay bitchier professor... Anyways, there will always be excuses for bad grades and school. Gonna be, hopefully, watching Hobbit 2 this weekend. Laters.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Best NBA players now and then (and a short story)

I really have a lot of topics to think about now, and since I'm finished with my studying, i'll be writing about my favourite NBA players. Yeah yeah, everyone must think that I'll be writing about LJ now, but I'm not, because, I mean, he is one of the best, but sometimes he really gets on my short fused nerves. KD is my favourite, that dude can dunk anytime, over anyone! Even DeAndre Jordan! He shows a lot of respect towards his fans, and he's not afraid to show love to his family, and devote his play to his mom. Live forever KD! Next up is Westbrook. He makes me laugh a lot and he looks like a teenage mutant ninja turtle. Dwyane Wade is cool too! I enjoy watching his video bombs on LJ, Bosh and Chalmers. Chris Paul can embarass any player out there, mostly the taller guys, with his fast crossovers and ankle-breakers and Blake Griffin literally tears the net when he slams the ball into the basket, i think he even takes the orange paint off the rim! I got big respect for DRose and I don't give a shit if this is his second injury in the past 6 months, the guy can play, and he will never back down from an injury, at least I think so. Back to the end of the 80s and beginning of 90s. Vlade Divac was a basketball player from Yugoslavia (Yugoslavia no longer exists, so it's fair to say that he was born in Serbia). From his young age, he dreamt about joining the best club in his country, Partizan. At the time, in the Yugoslavian national team, there was a very skilled player called Drazen Petrovic. Drazen was Croatian. After Divac had joined Partizan, soon he was invited to join he national team. He and Drazen became best buds, they shared their room during every trip, they played scrims together, in the year of 1991, the Yugoslavian national team won the basketball world championship. At that time, Yugoslavia was starting to fall, crisis started to emerge, and Divac didn't want to see a single Croation flag, he wanted for the Serbs and Croats to stay together. As the war was commencing, the national team broke up, and Divac lost contact with his former teammates. Drazen went back to play for the Portland Trail Blazers in the NBA, while Vlade went to LA to join back Magic and the Lakers. It's kind of hard to imagine a relationship broken apart by a war over stupid things. In 1993 (or was it 1992) the Croatian national team was about to have preparation practises in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Drazen decided to go there, from Germany (or was it Austria, can't remember), by car with his girlfriend and his driver. As the morning Sun started to emerge, the driver fell asleep and the car lost control, thus ran into the opposite driveway and hit a truck... It's one of my favourite stories, and you can watch the entire documentary on YouTube (ESPN 30 for 30- Once brothers). It's really sad that two brothers didn't make up before one died... During recess two days ago, a famous basketball player, Nenad Krstic was walking on tne other side of the street... I'm really annoyed that I didn't take a photo with him or request his autograph because I didn't want to disturb him (he was taking his baby daughter for a walk). Anyways dudes, if you read this till the end, you're awesome. Peace.
Vlade and Drazen before a game.
The Yugoslavian team after they won the world championship.

Friday, December 20, 2013

The best and... the shi... cough... worst.

As we all are aware, this year has been trumendous when it comes to video games, but there will always be fails that will keep our asses away from our computer desks or make us rage in pain of buying that particular fail of a game because we actually didn't read or watch some reviews of it. GTA V and The Last of Us are the biggest contenders for the GOTY award in my opinion, even though a lot of people and kids (as always) vote for Call of Duty. Assassin's Creed IV is definently the best one in the series, if you ask me. Battlefield 4 is nice, and CoD Ghosts seems like it's MW3 again, but on next-gen consoles, but it's far from average, in fact i would buy it. Big disappointments come in HUGE packages, like
-NBA Live 14 (EA, wai you so ghey)
-Day One: Garry's Incident (if they were planning a day two, i'd kick their ass)
-WarZ (Buy the game for 20 euros, create a character, die from wasting sprint really fast (and waiting 10 minutes for it to recharge) and after that losing all of the stuff you bought with real life money... Yeah, gimme a break pls)
- Saint's Row IV (wasn't really disappointing, but it was a really bad way to end a franchise that could live on for such a long time if it's main publisher hadn't bankrupted)
Anyways, that's all I gotta say about the games that rocked this year. I'll be posting more, and If you guys disagree with me, don't post bad comments down there, instead just tell me your opinion, otherwise bad comments will be deleted. Thanks in advance and piece. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Google Friend Connect?

Okay, soooo, I've been trying to put a 'Sign in' widget onto the blog page, and for some reason It's disabled, and on other people's blogs, the widget is working totally fine! Why is MY BLOG so broken? Anyways, i'll finally be getting my PC in a few weeks, hooray! And of course, the Winter holidays are starting in 2 weeks too, so that would mean: more time, more posts, more games to play. Math, chemistry, music class... Those subjects just get on my nerves, at least I got a B in math today, so I'm feeling pretty good now. Anyways dudes, talk to all of you tomorrow or whenever. Peace.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Brian... Whalecum bak buddy!

A'ight, so a lot of you peeps are sad because the humanity (and dogs ofc) lost one of their favourite dogs, Brian Griffin, buuut, no reason to be sad now because some unknown force brought him back to life... I'm serious. Family Guy is indeed one of the best shows around, and there might not be another Family Guy-alike. What I wanted to talk about are shows, comedy shows that make our lives brighter and more, let's say, comfortable. Chappelle's Show is my apsolute favourite comedy show. It's about some black dude who has his own stand-up comedy show and he makes sketches that he publically shows. Unfortunately, Dave Chappelle got into some depts and was about to receive a 500k dollar cheque from... It was South Africa I think. He didn't receive it and bankrupted back in 2005-2006. From then, he lives on a ranch, but his life has turned for the better! South Park has been with us for 16 years now, and people still enjoy that bad looking piece of art. I enjoyed watching it till a few years ago when school hit me in the head and I suddenly stopped watching it... Anyways guys, i'll be posting some screenies of these marvelous people (and the dog), until then, peace.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

What's happenin' now...

So basically, it may be a bit too late to talk about this, considering that almost everyone's got GTA V on their consoles, if they have a console... Being in the PC Master race hurts sometimes, especially when it's a Rockstar games' game coming out. I dunno what you bros think, but I think that we really need a PC port of GTA V till the end of 2014. I was watching NBA these days when I had the time, and Derrick Rose's injury made me laugh... It's not that I hate the guy, but come on, two devastating injuries in two seasons in less than a year? That rarely happends. Last season, i was cheering for Oklahoma and Miami. Oklahoma did pretty well, even though they lost in the, i think it was the quarter finals of the playoffs. The Chicago Bulls got me impressed too! They almost reached the semi finals, but I think it was Miami and it's LJ and DWade that broke their spree. I wonder where would they end up if DRose hadn't broken his, whatever it was... Boston is not in their best shape, but they are still holding pretty damn tight. Without Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett and Doc Rivers, i thought they would be the same as the Charlotte Bobcats... What I'm i even saying!? Boston can beat NY and Brooklyn with no probs whatsoever, and NY and Brooklyn have a negative score right now, not sure how it is :). Anyways, this was my opinion on things happening around at the moment, and I'll write some more when I get a chance. Peace.

Saturday, December 14, 2013


A'ight, my VERY first post! I'll try to keep this somewhere so I can get back to it and remember the time when I did it. I'll try to be as most active as i can, first school term school is ending in a few weeks, and after that onto the Winter holidays! Yay! I've always been in the console race. At first, when I was a kid, I used to be a huge PS3 fanboy. I would always post hater comments on YouTube videos that had ANY connection with Xbox 360. After a year or so, I decided to quit, mainly because my YouTube account got banned for many offensive comments. After my PS3 had broken, I joined the PC Master race and almost totally left the Console race. After 2-3 years, next-gen consoles were announced. I still stayed on Sony's side, but I was matured enough not to hate the Xbox One. Actually, I was completely ok with both consoles, it didn't really matter to me whether PS4 is better or not, what mattered was the fact that the fanboyism grew on a such high level, that I couldn't really stand it. People just hating on all sides! All of that just makes you wonder: 'Why the fuck not just buy a console of your choice and be happy with it?'. I was thinking of pre-ordering a PS4, but due to the stocks being empty and due to PSN being paid for, I decided to stick with my PC. I dunno what your thoughts are, but I'm not buying a console for the next 5-6 years for sure (not that I hate 'em).