
Saturday, December 28, 2013

The biggest rip-offs in gaming

I once bought a game for my PS3 called 'Rogue Warrior', i was 12 at the time. The game costed 50 euros... Right when I started the game, i was grossed out by the game's mechanics and AI movement and its brains. AI coontrolled soldiers would react to your presence only if you shot at them, or if you blew up a barrel, and since there's a ton of stealth and backstab sequences (probs more than Hitman) they're worth absolutely shit... Those sequences can be cool, but don't really bring the score up even for a TINY bit! Not to mention that I found myself finishing the game in less than 2 hours! Thank God i got a refund, otherwise I would file a complaint. Duke Nukem Forever... Bought it once, played it once... I was shocked when I saw the reviews for the game and I said to myself:'Why not give this game a try, it can't be that bad, i played the original'. I downloaded a cracked version of the game (sorry, had to do it). The beginning was very cool and had some nice touch, but soon I realized that the developer that had been working on the game first, stopped working on it after they had finished the first two levels, after that Gearbox took the project over and decided to do it in its own way. Duke Nukem Forever sucks after tne first two levels, the game looks like it was made back in 2003-2004. Of course, it's using the old Unreal Engine 2 (Unreal Engine 3 had already gotten old by the time DNF came out). One more rip-off, Day One: Garry's Incident. Was voted to be on Steam via Greenlight (a part of Steam that is like Kickstarter, but only for games). A lot of people pre-purchased the game, and when the game came out, everybody wanted a refund, absolutely everybody. Some of the developing team members voted the game with scores such as 7,8,9,10/10 on Poor bastards didn't know that they would increase the bad publicity that they already had. Day One: Garry's Incident is, indeed, one of the worst video games ever made, you can watch TotalBiscuit's 'WTF is...?' on YouTube about the game. Anyways, gotta go and have a nice warm shower before I go to watch Hobbit 2. Laters.
Will he ever come back?
This thing doesn't even exist in the game!

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