
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Call of Duty: GHOSTS

Call of Duty has been with us for 10 years now, and what a greater way to celebrate that than the new next-gen Call of Duty. Modern Warfare 2 was, and still is my favourite Call of Duty. Its campaign was long enough, and the multiplayer brought a ton of stuff that are being used the newest CoDs (killstreaks, perks, titles, emblems etc.). Every CoD after Modern Warfare 2 started to lose its charm for a bit, and hatred has been the biggest since then. Call of Duty: GHOSTS is, indeed, an awesome game, not the best installment in the series, and still doesn't get to fix the problems that first occured back in MW2/BOI.
As you start the game, through the Infinity Ward logo, you reach the menus, that are VERY similiar to the ones in, lets say, CoD MW3. The backround is nice and not muddled, but very simple and generic. As always, the game has its own campaign (which is pretty much longer than the ones we got used to), multiplayer (special part of te review below) and two separate game modes, Squads and Extinction. The point of Squads mode is similiar to Special Ops in MW3 where you play with friends against AI controlled soldiers and unlike the ones in the campaign, these ones are more intelligent. You and your team do tasks as you progress through until you reach the end. Extinction mode is something new from Infinity Ward, but it's not definitely something IW has came up with in the series. It is diefferent than Treyarch's zombies, and a bit more fun. You and your friends have to transfer certain things in order to complete the mission. Once you do it, you go on to the next mission etc. so there we realize that there's no going to infinity. The campaign is about 7-8 hours long, which is descent and better compared to BF4's campaign.
Infinity Ward promised us the best looking CoD ever. Doesn't really seem like it. The textures are muddy and unclear at a lot of moments, the objects that were used in the previous installments are still there (talk about a white steel door that was used in CoD WaW and Ghosts), the character animations are still the same, the objects look like they're from 2007 etc. On the bright side, Infinity Ward does their job on making the guns the same as Criterion on the cars for NFS, so we cannot say that the engine doesn't anything new. What i was surprised about was the fact that there really was a difference between the looks on the current-gen and last-gen consoles... With these graphics, it's painfully obvious  that IW did that on purpose so they show 'improvement'.
As always, every CoD game has its own multiplayer, and every single one of those is really fun. More weapons to choose from, more maps, more perks, more killstreaks, attachments etc. The titles are for 'meh's and so are the emblems, they all look like someone just used scissors to cut them, and a lot of the titles are the same as the ones in MW3 and MW2. The leveling system has been improved, 10 prestiges with up to 80 levels that go through really fast and are easy. Matchmaking can make a fuss a lot of times as the host leaves the game and then people have to wait (some wait for a few minutes and get disconnected and they lose their entire gained experience).
Call of Duty: GHOSTS has a fun and interesting campaign, AI with a medium lack of intelligence, a lot of stuff from previous CoDs and an amazingly fun multiplayer. I give the new CoD an 8. For more reviews, read more on my blog. Laters.

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