
Friday, January 17, 2014

Just got back from the dermatologyst (not sure if it's spelled like that, meh)

I waited in the waiting room for 2 fucking hours! There were a lot of small kids with, either their parents that have no fucking job, or with their grandparents, and almost everyone was going over the waiting queue trying to go in first and get their medication recepies. Some grannies who were waiting for AN HOUR were complaining, while i was waiting for 2 hours! Look who dafuq is complaining. At some points, i just wanted to say: 'Bitch, i was first, stfu.'. Yes, i know that your grandchild is nervous, but IDFC, kay? We ran into the shift that lasts for about 20 minutes, and those spoilt people kept entering the infirmary like their life depends on it... Then, after two hours, the doctor called me in. 'YES, FINALLY!' literally i shouted that in their faces as they stood next to the door wing. I entered, sat, and she asked me: 'Bleh bleh bleh?', she said. 'Excuse me, what?'. 'HOW OLD ARE YOU!?' she yelled, i said 15. I wanted to punch her in that milfy face, because she just arrived at her job, she didn't even have 3 patients, and SHE YELLS at me!? At me who waited there and stood for two fucking hours!? Fuck you bitch, fuck to your face! My Gawd... What world we live in... Anyways, i'm back home, and appearently i will have to visit that bitch-ass place again... Laters.

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