
Monday, January 6, 2014

WarZ - Infestation survivor stories

In the today's video game industry, we run into many unfinished projects that catch our eye. In my opinion, EA brings us the most of those projects, such as Battlefield, SimCity, two last Medal of Honors etc. When I first saw WarZ, i thought: ' Wow, this is going to be a badass game!', but after a few months, the full game was released, no alpha or beta, just full. The game costed 25 dollars when it was released on Steam. After really bad publicity, the game was removed from Steam after the executive producer of WarZ called spawn campers 'faggots'. Yes, that is right, you've read it, now go back for a bit and read it again so you could maybe get more out of it. The developers just took the terms and conditions from League of Legends and instead of Riot games' signatures, they put in theirs. The game was brought back on Steam (somehow, i have no idea how), but guess what, it got removed again until it changed its name to Infestation Survivor Stories. At first, i had no idea that that was WarZ (and i had it in my Steam library!).
Basically, the entire game is a multiplayer. It's powered by the engine that was used in War Inc. which i liked pretty much. The game has no certain campaign, your only goal is to survive. You create your own character, you buy him items for real world cash (yes, every item is P2W - Pay to wear). After you spawn, guess what's waiting for ya? A horde of zombies! Awesome! Let's kill 'em all... NOT! You only have a flashlight and nothing else! So i started running away, and my character got exausted pretty fast. At least i got away from the zombies, but my sprint gauge was filling up way too slow... It filled up after 5 minutes, and it lasted for good 30 seconds! Really!? Then some zombies saw me from a mile away, tracked me down pretty easily and killed me (without sprint you are literally helpless). So i got back to the menu and guess what, again, I HAD TO WAIT FOR 4 HOURS FOR MY CHARACTER TO BE REVIVED! The game even asks you if you want to revive your character for 2 dollars! I was not in the mood to spend more money ON A GAME THAT I FAIRLY PAID FOR... AND GUESS WHAT, THE ITEMS I PAID MONEY FOR WERE LOST! Guess who lost his 5 dollars... At least i could create a new character and start over, but i got killed again... One more thing, there's no tutorial. Absolutely no hints whatsoever, even during the LONG LOADING SCREENS in which the backrounds are pictures of places that don't even exist in the game! Later on, as i progressed, i started to get killed by hackers that had weapons of ultimate destruction... None of them were getting banned or taken care of, because they were constantly coming into the servers i was in. One of them got me to a high place, some sort of a building, there i found a sniper. As i picked it up, I GOT BANNED PERMANENTLY! After that the executive producer called people who get those items 'pussies', so i sent a rage report, nothing happened. My friend gave me his account as he didn't want to play the game anymore. I got banned there again for killing a guy and taking all of his many items, which was obviously seen as an act of item banking. After that, i wrote a review on Steam and on Metacritic and just decided to forget about the experience.
The game looks nice... In its pre-release screenshots and its trailers! After that it just looks pale and muddy and horrific... The game is BADLY optimized, i wouldn't be surprised if it could run on a single core PC with a 256 MB graphics card, but right now, it requires a quad core processor, a 1GB graphics card and 4GB of RAM. Basically, looks like it was released in 2004.
WarZ - Infestation survivor stories is one of the worst games i've ever played. I also forgot to mention that the zombies glitch through everything and are impossible to hit even in close quarters with a shotgun. I give this piece of garbage shit a 1.5 because it does have a tiny bit of fun in it. For more reviews, check out my blog. Laters.

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