
Sunday, December 14, 2014

I found a new completed build!

I've finally found something that I've always wanted, a new build! I am a bit too lazy, so I decided not to build my own PC, but to buy a finished one. Altos Pro Gamer, it's got some sci-fi case that I don't know the name of, a high-end Intel i5 processor inside, along with an MSi GTX 970. Z97 motherboard (the best one on the market at the moment) with 8GB DDR3 memory connected to it. The build also contains 1TB of HDD and 125GB of SSD, so it's like a win-win. I would post the link here, but the webpage's in Serbian, so fuck it lol.
The GTX 970 is currently the best choice for me because it's not that expensive as the GTX 780 was when it came out and the 970 is also the so-called new TitanKiller.
Why not the 980? It's only a frame stronger, and costs about 50 euro more.
The entire build is at around 1,1k dollars (950 euro), so it's pretty cheap! Last year, for the same price, i was able to buy a build with a GTX 770, which still wasn't the newest card on NVidia's market.
I don't know whether i'll be buying this build at all, but if do, i shall make sure to put it to good use (editing, gaming, uploading, rendering, recording). Laaateeers :D

Saturday, December 6, 2014

THE CREW - Just a racing game

NOTE: These are just my first impressions of Ubisoft's new long-awaited sandbox racing title. I probably won't be posting the review, because I won't be buying the game (not because the game is bad, but because I'm waiting for something better to come out).
So, today I got to my buddy's place and he surprised me with his freshly bought copy of The Crew. I was really excited to check it out because Ubisoft did promise us 20-30 hours of campaign and a sandbox that contained some sort of a mini-America. I didn't have much time to stay though, so we jumped straight to campaign.
The campaign starts out pretty uncomprehendable, you just start driving a car while the cops are breathing down your throat, trying to ram your, somehow, extremely fast pick-up truck. The dialogues were dull and annoying, not really to be anyone's cup of tea. The mission was to go through checkpoints in order to succeed. Pretty interesting eh? But, that doesn't mean that the game is boring. Quite in fact, it's pretty damn fun! You will have to wait in order to unlock other regions of the map by levelling up and completing missions. I forgot the names of all the states included in the starting region, but I think Michigan and Nova Skotia are in there.
A lot of side missions are on the map, so my buddy and I had no trouble finding what to do. Storyline missions were mostly just races that got a lot more money than the side missions. The game overall looks great, although the foliage is a bit too repetitive and non-stylish. I ran into a lot of houses with the same looks and textures, the trees are the same too, not that many types of models.
Not that much more that I can say, but THE CREW is definitely a fun game, full of eye candy. I did only explore 2% of the map, which means that this game may have a lot more than we know for now.
Lateers. :D

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Great job Ubisoft!

Remember when Ubisoft used to make great games worth the 50-60 euro they costed? When Assassin's Creed I was the true next-gen with its climbing mechanics and when Splinter Cell was a franchise that had a new sequel every year? When console versions of their games didn't poop all over themselves with framerate issues and texture popping glitches? That time will come back, right? Right!?
I played Unity on my buddy's PC with a high end Intel i5 processor and the well-known MSI nVidia GTX 970 with 4GB of GDDR5 ultra fast memory. The game was installed on his 128GB SSD. When Ubisoft said that a GTX 680 would be a bare minimum to run their game, they, indeed, were more than right... The game runs at 15FPS average on that GPU! It barely reaches 45-50 FPS on the GTX 970, even with Ubisoft's special nVidia drivers installed, when in reality it should be reaching 60+ FPS. All this applies if the game is maxed out at 1080p except for the AA settings being set minimum to TXAA because setting it to SMAA 8x will reduce the amount of FPS by a staggering 20! And that is only in interiors...
TotalBiscuit did one of his port reports on this game, he was not satisfied at all. On his GTX TITAN, the game had the same FPS amount of FPS as the GTX 970 at some points during gameplay.
AC: Unity was also 'sponsored' by Microsoft during its development time, so it's no wonder that the Xbox One version looks a tiny bit better, while both versions run at 900p in 30FPS. The PS4 version suffers from certain random framerate drops where the game seriously hiccups, and that happends in more than a few places in Paris among which is one of the citadels.
First WATCH_DOGS and now this... But, WATCH_DOGS wasn't poorly optimized, it just looked uglier than what Ubisoft showed us earlier. Far Cry 4, it's a great game, although the tropical setting fits me more, that's just my opinion. The Division? It's already more than clear that the game will look waaay uglier than it was represented to look like, on the consoles of course. Ubisoft did say that The Division will look noticeable better on the PC which means that the PC gamers will be able to play the version shown at last year's E3. With that said, i think we can trust Ubisoft a little bit on this one, when it comes to the PC version.
I barely found any time to write, because right now i found some free time. I gotta study more so i can fix some grades lol... I dun fucked 'em up :D I'll write again soon, hopefully. Laters!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Inb4 mlg

So I was listening to a song from Rootkit called Ambush, and I stumbled upon this comment... (image below) Crazy eh? You should first play Counter-Strike to understand anything :) Laters.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

YouTubing and stuff

Yeah, I do have my own YouTube channel, nothing special really... Just another dude trying to achieve something by posting videos of himself playing various video games on his poopy PC.
Why is gaming the most popular branch on YouTube? As much as I like gaming and being a gamer, every goddamn day I see gamers battle each other with true fanboyism, hate and armpit sweat... I'm serious.
When I was about 10 years old (6 years ago) I discovered what YouTube really is. Back then, it was way more complexed, but it was still awesome. The rating system was based on stars, comments were different and better, people had usernames instead of their real names. Today, YouTube has a design that originates far back from 2010. It may not be the same as today, but it was a template for what we have today. Remember that before 2010, YouTube wasn't as customizable. You could only change your profile photo, cover photos were non-existent.
Over the past few years, with PewDiePie reaching YouTube's most subscribed channel and VEVO getting more glory, we can say that this is the Golden Era of video media...
Remember the times when there were no ignorant kids that needed attention? When you could play Minecraft without a bunch of them advertising their shitty-ass channel on a Minecraft server you play on... I certainly do, believe me.
The thing is, those kids weren't even born when YouTube was started (ok, most of them were, but they should show a bit more generocity and respect towards other players). They keep calling themselves gamers, but they only play Minecraft on a laptop that they begged for with all their strenght. It's easy living that life these days, just living-off others and giving two fucks. The amount of Minecraft-Only-YouTubers is hugeee! Half or even more than that of the entire gaming population on YouTube are Minecrafters!
This is why I don't like Minecraft YouTubers (shout out to Sky, he actually did an awesome job, even though he plays Minecraft most of the time). Most of them just like to advertise their channels and to draw attention to themselves. In reality, they just gain the opposite.
Some kid who is 11 or 12 started disrespecting me for telling him to stop advertising and spamming his YouTube channel URL on the HiveMC server. The kid's YouTube username was MaxTheUploader... Buuut i think his channel got deleted because he probably got into some copyright trouble (LOL!).
Sooo, yeah, that was my opinion on that stuff... Laters!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

A ball that barely reaches the rim - NBA Live 15 REVIEW

Reviewed on Playstation 4
Last year, I was dazzled by how low some people may go for a bit of extra cash, and EA was no exception.
NBA Live 14 sank lower than any other basketball game that I've played before, and I would've rather played NBA Live 10 instead.
NBA Live 15 brings a few new ideas that mostly fail to shine, even though most of them are fairly interesting.
This year also, EA has brought in the ESPN-like user interface which does give a nice impression and a sense of realism. It's original, shiny and dynamic, but the license was is again, like last year, a money waster.
In addition, game modes such as MyCarreer have been tuned up, but only in some aspects that are hard to be noticed. Things such as the experience gauge have stayed the same, while bugs, glitches and wrong calls are still very annoying. I still lose points by shooting at the right time (my player is a good shooter, and timing is important just not as it is for the other players), for making a good foul in order to stop the attacker who is on his clear path to a masterful dunk... Basically, you only get live XP for hitting shots or nailing layups, which is boring and repetetive. Not to mention that already on my second level, while playing against OKC, i had to have more assists than Russel Westbrook... Yep, Russel Westbrook, the big 0.
Legendary basketball moments are still there, and they look more polished definitely, especially when the players have to shoot, it can look gorgeous.
NBA Live 15 looks and sounds well, but it performs way worse than it actually should.
The commentators (hell, can't even remember the names) are simple and cannot be compared to Kevin and Steve Curr from NBA2K... The animations of the players have been fixed by a tiny bit since last year, but they still perform like on PS2. The ball physics are better, the ball does bounce off the rim better and more naturally, while the jerseys swing beautifully like flags on the wind.
NBA Live 15 also has some awesome graphics. The players don't look as bad as last year, and the arenas look more realistic than ever! Light effects are cool, the sneakers look nice, no muddy textures.
NBA Live 15 uses a brand new AI engine that probably doesn't really work that well. Friendly AI moves unnaturally, and they even sometimes run into their own teammates. It can be frustrating a lot.
NBA Live 15 is a small improvement from last year that still doesn't hold up with bigger games such as NBA2K. EA can surely make ideas, but making them come true can be as hard as it gets.
I give this game a 6/10. If you ever want to try out something besides NBA2K, you should get this, but only when the price drops. For more info, check out IGN.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Still home...

It's been like 12 days since I was healthy and ready for school and stuff...
For these 12 days, I coughed, I sneezed and I had a constant temperature. I really, really have no idea what has come over me, I've never been this much ill before. Usually, I become ill once a year, and it usually lasts for about 3-5 days. This time, some virus got me and I got no idea whether I will go to a concert on Friday and to a party on Saturday... I haven't seen any of my buddies until two days ago, when some of them decided to pay me a visit. They actually did a prank, but I didn't mind.
Anyways, i'm still bored like hell in heaven, mostly because i gotta study the subjects that my grades are bad in. Laters.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Long term awaiting... Doesn't pay out - DESTINY REVIEW

NOTE: I played the game on a PS4 and an Xbox 360, the experiences were the same.
I simply had to review this game, because it caused so much hype. I may not remember the names of the story characters so well, but let's just say that they're not that important.
Enjoy the review!
Bungie, a studio famous for its long collaboration with Microsoft and its Microsoft exclusive franchise HALO, has brought us DESTINY, a game worth so much mentioning. DESTINY is the first game released after the end of the pact between Microsoft and Bungie and, as many have expected, the game just doesn't live up to the hype... Nor to the 500 million dollars that was spent on it.
But yes, the game is not boring, it has a ton of content worth risking to get, a mediumly interesting story and freedom.
Like most MMOs, DESTINY lets you fully customize your own character, but strong limitations are there, so it's definitely not like something you would see in Saint's Row IV's famous Initiation station. Be careful what you choose, because once you put an ugly green slime on your face, there is no going back...
After finishing the simple character creation, i was off to the huge mystical world of DESTINY. After the first cutscene, you start off with a simple gun, and you are taught to survive and kill by tutorials.
DESTINY looks like, feels like, sounds like and plays exactly like an MMO should, except that it has that refreshing FPS element that everyone is a fond of. Killing enemies, defeating huge bosses, collecting loot, raiding... All can be done with a friend, and it can be hell of a fun process, buut, already after my 7th or 8th mission, same enemies started attacking me, while I encountered the same boss three times until I reached level 14...
Reaching higher levels in the game is hard, mostly if you go solo on most missions and if you don't grab the necessary loot the game drops you at the end of missions. It's also worth mentioning that you always get the same loot at the end of a certain mission.
At the end of the main story mission cycle, you can keep collecting loot, fighting other players in PVP areas, raid caves and enemy strongholds and gain more experience so you can get to the highest level possible.
So, after you've done the campaign missions, there's still a lot to do.
Like every MMO game, DESTINY is filled with flaws and some can perhaps make you never want to come back to it again.
During exploration or PVPing, connection lag is a common issue and it can last up to 10 seconds... Framerate issues are noticeable, especially in the PS3 and 360 versions of the game. I got a bit of texture popping on both the PS4 and the 360 version, but nothing too serious. As for the hubs and merchants, various bugs still appear when trying to buy something or sell something. Once, my game froze on the loading screen, and going back to the interface was impossible, while on my third day, my character and all my progress was deleted out of nowhere... Good thing I don't like spending money on microtransactions that much.
DESTINY is a high budget game that at some points manages to live up to the hype, but also at some other points falls down close to rock bottom. I give this game an 8/10. For more on DESTINY, visit this.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

New Borderlands!

Yeeeeeh... New Borderlands, The Pre-Sequel... Looks the same as Borderlands 2, but has waaay more content. A buddy of mine bought it last week for PS3, and maaan, did we have fun with that game... We mostly played the campaign, and it was awesome... So much more stuff to unlock... Like an FPS Little Big Planet, except that you don't control puppets this time. If you've played at least one of the previous Borderlands, you will know what I'm talking about.
A few days ago, i got ill, and I cough like hell every 30 seconds (yeah, i counted, and this is an average number). My temperature first was at like 37.2 degrees (Celsius), then, out of freaking nowhere it jumped to 37.4 and then jumped higher than MJ all the way to 38.4... Talk about some virus that maybe one guy from my class had not so long ago... But i doubt he is the source of my infection. A lot of my friends told me, as a joke ofc, that I have ebola, since at this time, it is the main desease, right? :D It certainly ain't ebola, but it sure is one of the stronger viruses that came over me... Ever. I get ill once in a year, and it's usually something easy, like higher temperature and mediocre coughing. This right now is a neverending temperature with hardcore coughing, and my throat is sore like crazy. Anyways, hope you peeps are having a nice day, because i'm certainly not. :D Laters.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

It's called football... Get used to it...

A few days ago, there was a football/soccer game in Belgrade, Serbia. It was a game between Serbia and Albania, a qualifying phase for the UEFA Euro 2016 Championship. First, let's keep it in mind that Serbia and Albania are two countries that are bordering (Serbia S and Albania N) and their relations aren't the best. Let's also keep it in mind that I'm Serbian, so I will, obviously, be more supportive for my team. Second, UEFA made a terrible mistake by letting this match ever happen. The alternative way around chaos breaking loose was to play the first game and the rematch on some neutral stadium somewhere else.
The kick-off was peaceful, no harsh words from anyone, no fights etc. No Albanians were allowed on the stadium except for the Albanian Football Comitee members (players, coach, manager etc). The Serbian supporters were quite peaceful when it comes to saying bad words towards the Albanians, because if they weren't, the match would've been stopped way earlier.
In the 40th minute of the match, a flag representing the look of Greater Albania with an offensive message towards the Serbs, appeared attached to a wireless controlled drone. As the drone reached 6 feet above the ground, a Serbian player, Mitrovic, took the flag off the drone so he could give it to the main official. As he started to make his way to the ref, a few Albanians rushed at him like a bunch of horny baboons... I'm serious. They started hitting him and pushing him, whilst trying to take the flag away. That's when the already fired up fuse reached the gun powder barrel... Fights started on the pitch, Serbian supporters started running onto the pitch, while the security tried to stop them (let's be honest here, the supporters had a valid reason for doing so... They even went in with some objects to throw at or hit the Albanian players, and I found all of that pretty damn funny... And I respected those supporters, because all of the Albanians deserve that, all of the Albanians are bad people, and that is something i made sure of a long time ago).
After a few minutes of chaos erupting, the flag was taken away by some Serbs and burned somewhere in Belgrade, while the Albanian players struggled to get back into their dressing room. They literally were running for their lives, and it looked funny...
A lot of people will blame the Serbs for this... But lemme tell all of you, Serbia is to be blamed for maybe 5% of this! Maybe even less! The only bad thing Serbs did was the pitch supporter invasion... And that's not even that bad! If there wasn't for those Albanian players and for the dumbass brother of the Albanian prime minister who controlled the drone with the flag, NONE OF THIS would've ever happened.
Some British people say that during the match, the supporters were yelling 'Kill the Albanians!' when they were actually just singing patriotic songs... Yet again, we are blamed for everything we are involved in... Just because some fatass liar decided to tell a story on how the Serbs killed 20k Albanians, when in reality it was just 1k-2k people, mostly men that tried to kill our soldiers first. In reality, Albanians killed 30-40k Serbs during the 90s and another 10k during the past 14 years, and nobody ever gave a shit. Why? Well, that's on you to find out. Also, all of the Albanian politicians and government members are criminals, human organ sellers, human traffickers... I hope you understand something now.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

School field trip tomorrow!

Eeey, so tomorrow is the school field trip that i've been waiting for for a long time... It will last three days and it will be a blast. People think we go on those to learn something new about the monuments and such, but it isn't true... For the most part :D I am interested in the two monasteries that we will be visiting, so i hope that won't be boring. We will also visit some other cities in my country and a couple of villages. But, when it comes to the entertainment, a shit ton of people from my school will go to the disco, which is located about 50-100 meters (a bit less than 0.1 mile) from our hotel. I won't be going to the disco because a lot of peeps will be there, it will be scorching hot, and i can't beat my sweat at all! I sweat like crazy. And also, my girl won't be going either so, why would i go without her :D Today I gotta study a lot... Unfortunately. I fucked up some grades, and I'm expecting more of those this week. I guess my start of the second year wasn't as shiny as i had expected. Laters.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

My love and me :3

I don't usually post topics like this one, but I think this will be the first and last post of this type.

Two days ago, a week passed since the start of something awesome. But let's go a bit more back into time, shall we?
Three weeks ago, i started talking with a girl i had a crush on since the school field trip in June. Yes, it is a long time from now, but I was a shy-ass and i still didn't know how to ask a girl out... Ok, i did go to the movies with a girl before that, but she was one of my best buddies.

Over the course of the Summer holidays, my feelings towards my crush started to fade away... I didn't see her for a long time lol... When school started, the feels were back again, but then again... I felt more confident, even though I was still the same dude as the one in the first year of secondary school.
Her name was Christine... Or, as our French teacher would say, Christinne. I bumped into her on my way to school about 3 weeks ago, and we talked for the first time... Real talk, not like 'Hi!' or something like that. After school, i sent her a message and introduced myself in a ridiculous way... 'Yoyo, i'm the guy who walked to school with you earlier today xD. Just curious, who is your English teacher?'... Yep. That message started the fuse... If i can even say 'fuse'... But nevermind. We started talking every day before and after school, we laughed at school, we would text each other all the time during classes... At that point, i started thinking that maybe she likes me too... But then again, I would think how beautiful and nice she is and that maybe she likes someone who likes her back... There would always be a fear, that I couldn't overcome a single fucking time.

The chats lasted for a week and a half... Then, on September 19th, i asked her to hang out. She was happy to come ^^. At the glorious view over at Danube river, we talked and all the sudden we kissed... And it all started... Still lasts, and hopefully it will for long time to come... Right now, it's kinda hard for me to believe that I'm in a relationship with a girl that I love so much and that i liked before it all started! Now... She's my everything...

I'm a bit bummed because we can't go out this evening... The Pride is in Belgrade today, and it won't be safe to come near the city centre during the entire day, due to the hooligans and such...

Chrissy, I love you. <333

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Is Call of Duty dying?

Don't hate on me, but I really did enjoy Call of Duty: Ghosts, i find it really fun and dynamic, the multiplayer is cool (although glitchy and laggy at the same time) while the campaign was something like from a third party game... Yes, my point is, i liked Ghosts only because of its multiplayer, and I also think that Call of Duty should be a game better optimized for consoles. What do i mean by that? Well, because of balancing! The PC versions of all CoD games have guys hacking and what not.

Now, is this franchise really dying? I would say so... Since Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the hater base has increased by 3-4 times from what it had been before. Let me admit, CoD MW3 is my second favourite game in the franchise, first is MW2, but i kind of get it why people started biasing Call of Duty more largely from MW3... We can just conclude that everything started going down the drain after that Infinity Ward break-up in 2010, being followed by the formation of Respawn Entertainment, under the ownership of Electronic Arts, which is widely recognised today as the developer of Titanfall.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare does look like an awesome game, and as far as i know, the graphics in all CoD games have never been downgraded from their E3 or GamesCom form. I believe that this game will be awesome, but not sure how the people will like it, judging by the fact that many hated on Black Ops II because of its futuristic setting... Then again, we have Titanfall, a game that many praised to be the Call of Duty killer, but for me, it turned out to be another great shooter that deserves a sequel that might get that title.

So, where does this leave us? Is Call of Duty dying? Yes. Will it die out soon? No. Many people still play the game, because of its gameplay and features. (WARNING: After this sentence lies a form of personal opinion, so if you don't agree, show it with a nice pack of words. I'm serious.) If you ask me, every video game will die out at some point in time. There will always be new generations of kids that will be buying CoD games every year, because, Call of Duty is still the most popular shooter out there, whether we like it or not.

I gotta go now, my corn is ready to be eaten. Laters.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Some things...

Hey look! I have a Samsung Galaxy SI... It can't bend! But guess what! The new iPhone 6 changes shapes wherever you go. Literally. If you have skinny jeans, don't put your phone there, put it in your jacket... Or just sell the damn thing and buy an android phone which costs less, and breaks less... I also have a chemistry test today... Boy, am i not excited... Chemistry is my least favourite subject, mostly because i don't plan on doing anything chemistry related in the future. After school today, there's something called 'Night of the explorers'... Got no clue what it is, but since my girl and some other friends asked me to go, i'll go. I mean, it is Friday after all, right? :D I'll talk to you all later.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Here we fucking-go again

GTA V will be hitting the current-gen waves this November, and the PC waves in January... The game will have a few additions, it will still look the same, but badass at the same time, too. As for me, i'll just wait it out for the PC version... And no, it's not because i dislike or hate the consoles in any way. I don't have a PS4 or an XB1 because i don't feel the need to pay in order to play online. It may be a small sum of monies, but i'd rather play everything online on my PC for free. Yes, it may turn out better to buy a PS4 for 450 euro and enjoy the game in 60FPS, 1080p (the same would be for Xbox) but since i'm more of a spending-my-money-on-PCs kind of guy, i'll just stick with the PC version. The amount of hate between the PC and the console gamers has never been bigger. On one side are the lonely PC gamers, defining their #MasterRace, while on the other side are the console gamers, divided into 3 groups, SONY peeps, MS peeps and Nintendo peeps. So far, when it comes to differentialities in games, PC does take an advantage in ex. BF4 or Watch Dogs, but the consoles are still there. Dead Rising 3 runs at 720p 30FPS on the XB1, but at 1080p 60FPS on GTX 780, which is a very strong card. I believe that, since that game first came out, the desire for hate had never been bigger before. 'Console gamers are kids, they get what they want, but in the end they want more'... 'PC gamers are like kids, they feel the desire for more'... So yeh, all of the gamers are kids then, which is mostly true, considering that 60-70% of the gaming population are peeps aged under 18. But, that ain't my point. My point is, you should be happy with whichever game and platform you choose, because the diffies are so small, that you wouldn't be able to notice 'em at all. BF4 does indeed run 720p on XB1 and 900p on the PS4, both locked at 60FPS, while the PC version CAN run in 4k resolution with GTX 780 or Titan locked at 30FPS (due to the fact that no GPU on the market can run at a better framerate, and because EA set it so it's not possible to go higher, because your GPU can explode.). Again, if you are a gamer, you shouldn't give two fucks about which platform you're playing on. If you hate others and call yourself a gamer, then you're no better than those kids that play Minecraft and only Minecraft... Laters.

Sunday, September 14, 2014


Back in 2010, in the FIBA (Basketball) World Cup, my country, Serbia, made it to the semi-finals to play against the Turks. The way to the semis was hard and stressful, yet we made it there. The thing is, Serbia would've probably even defeated USA in the finals, but since the refs weren't too kind to the Serbs, Turks proceeded and lost by 20-ish points. This year, 4 years after the semis and 12 years after the 2002 finals victory over Argentina, we've made it to The Finals. Yes, the finals, in the best sport in the world (i like soccer too, but basketball is better for me). In just a few hours away from now, our big five, Teodosic, Bogdanovic, Krstic, Raduljica and Bijelica will go against Fareed, Rose, Curry, Irving and Davis. People say that this is the strongest USA team ever assembled, going through the championships without a single loss. Serbia had a score of 2-3 in the group stage (lost against Brazil, France and Greece), and in the elimination stage, Serbia beat the Greeks by 15, Brazil by 28 and France by 5. Now, everyone says that USA will win, which is probably gonna happen, but, even if we win or lose, we will still be second in the world... SECOND! A small and poor country like mine, to be second in the world, in a sport that half of this planet plays! It's amazing! It's something that almost no one expected! Especially after a tough group stage! All i gotta say is... Good luck legends! We all know that you guys, that have let a huge beam of sunshine onto our small country, will do your very best, even though you guys have now made us one of happiest people in the world! Silver has been obtained, now let's 720rek for the gold! :D

Saturday, September 13, 2014

A new console or no?

A few years back, my PS3 broke down, got the Yellow Light of Death, and fixing it just wouldn't pay off... Because it was a fatty. For the past few days, i've been counting my allowance money, and decided i should buy another PS3, but the slim version. I won't be buying a new build yet, because, school will be after that, and a console would be awesome, since i can try out many games that i still haven't, like TLoU, UC3, Heavy Rain, Assassin's Creed IV (played on my buddy's Xbox), Assassin's Creed III, Dishonoured, and let's not forget all of the CoDs that are the best to be played on console. These aren't all the games, as i also wanna play through the entire GTA V campaign (can't wait till January for the PC version, duuuh). Now, why not the PS4 or Xbox ONE (or 360)? Well, the thing is simple, as much as i wanna play the next-gen games on the consoles, i would still have to pay the membership fees in order to play the damn things online, which sucks... PS3 has free online multiplayer in every single game, so why bother right? And, i also wanna get back the trophies I once had, since my old PSN is forever gone, lol. Anyways, gotta study math now, damn subject always takes my brain out... Laters.

Monday, September 8, 2014

My decision

So, i've decided to keep this blog running for a bit longer than expected... Won't be posting as much, school started. won't have time... Life has reached a phase where you either win or lose, and it seems that I'm in a loss. My self-confidence has never been on a high level, and even though you readers think that money buys happiness, no, it does not. I said it myself, I expected more from this summer, much more, and I didn't get as much. Like a lot of my friends, I'm constantly feeling depression, but then again, it's not like I'm suffering from it. Each day I hope for something good, and in the end, I feel miserable for some reason... It's nothing about school, just that I really gotta work on my moral, confidence, mental strenght... I'll talk to you guys later.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Building a new PC!!!

Ey, i know no one reads this, but I will still write... So, i've spent most of my studying time looking at newegg, amazon and some domestic PC part retailers, and even though I still haven't made my choice completely, here's what I can remember from Asus GeForce GTX780 4GB GDDR5 384-bit with a 945MHZ clock speed; Intel i7 4770k Quad Core 2.4GHz clock speed with turbo boost to 3.4 6MBs cache; 250GB SSD 500GB HDD; stock monitor... So, i can't remember the exact names of the motherboard and the case, but lemme tell ya, the case looks awesome for just 30 euro, it's got SNIPER in its name ;) I would've copy/pasted but since my phone poops all over itself when two or more apps are running, it's impossibru. The price of that rig (w/o the monitor, keyboard, mouse) would be at about 1200 euro... Kind of expensive, but with a rig stronger than the consoles and with 4k support on the GTX780, i think i'm good. As far as for the date of purchase goes, i will try to get it built somewhere at around New Year or Christmas (Orthodox Christmas, January 7th). With that PC i will be able to easily play the newest releases in 1080p with 30+ FPS and record with NVidia's famous ShadowPlay, a piece of screen recording software that almost doesn't even lower the FPS and doesn't cause performance issues at all. I'll be talking to you peeps later. Laters.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

A new chapter...

So, coming back home was something pleasant for me. Never actually been away from home for a full month, and yes, i missed it... A lot more than I expected I would. What was Dubai like? Hmmm, not sure how to explain that, but we could say I had fun, sort of. I came back about a week and a half ago, and, I don't miss Dubai at all. Most of my time there I spent in my hotel room, playing Minecraft or Battlefield 4 on my dad's laptop. Basically, staying at the beach after 1 o'clock is a bad choice, because you might just get a heat attack. Temperatures there go up to 46-50 degrees Centigre (about 120-130 Farenheit), and the massive amount of humidity that keeps the air hot, makes you think it's 60 degrees. You don't even sweat! Having a few water bottles with you at all times is a must, good thing the water is cheap, unlike the rest of Dubai. Food in non-Hindu restaurants is expensive af and the food quality is the same, except for the ambient which is more decorated. Metro is really clean, not a single piece of trash in sight, and you can't chew gum while in the train, even though no one obeys that rule, but no one also sticks it under a seat. There are barely any pickpockets, but I recommend you have your eyes on your pockets at most times, you never know who might stick their greedy hand in there (and the pickpockets are European). I also visited the top of Burj Khalifa, it was sick! I saw the best part of the Al Zayed road that goes through the 7 emirates (kinda like a Route 66 for the Emirates). Also, the buildings and hotels look badass from there. At night, in front of Burj, huge fountain shows happen, and they're amazing! A few days before my departure, I had a swim at a beach that has a look over at the Burj Al Arab, world's first 7 star hotel. It looked even better live, especially because it was day-time. I got stung by a few jellyfish while I had a swim on the Jumeriah beach 1 (there are 6 Jumeirah beaches). Those jellyfish can be up to 20-30 centimetres long, and if they sting, you will be in pain for the next two days, but they're not poisonous, so it's not that bad. Not all of them are huge, and not all stings hurt that long. Also, once we got ordered out of the water because sharks had been seen about a mile away, but it lasted for only 20 minutes. Now, if you stay in a four star hotel in Dubai, whatever the fuck you do, DON'T DO YOUR LAUNDRY in the hotel, because I did it, and it wasn't pleasant for my dad's wallet. We sent our clothes to be cleaned 2 times, had to pay 100 euro for those 2 times... Not to mention that we also payed 30 euro for a pepsi and a coffee... After all that we only went to Starbucks, where we got a nicer wallet treatment. Since I'm a big Star Wars geek and fan, my dad bought me a t-shirt for my bday. I bought it in some store in the Dubai mall that had some collector's items, like a Bugatti engine, a YAMAHA piano and the third ever issue of the Spiderman comic book. How much did it cost? 30.000 dollars. How thin was it? About 1.5 centimetres (about 50 pages). Best bargain ever, right? The Dubai mall has its own ice rink, while the Emirates mall has a ski hill. So, does it pay off to go to Dubai? Sure, if you wanna spend money on senseless shopping and 50.000 dollar watches and 20.000 dollar Luis Vuitton handbags, and get stung by jellyfish. Don't get me wrong, I liked Dubai, but it simply isn't for people from third-world countries like me. I'll try and blog more often, but school has started, so i can't guarantee anything. Laters.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

In another world...

I arrived in Dubai 5 days ago. To be honest, it's not what I expected it to be... IT'S EVEN FUCKING BETTER! The skyscrapers, the restaurants, the people, the malls, Burj al Arab and Burj Khalifa, the nightlife, my hotel, the metro, the burgers, the innovation, the pools, the airconditioned bus stops, the Iranian restaurants, the Hindu restaurants... Such a beautiful place. But, lemme tell you something, Dubai is a fast-evolving city, during the world economy crisis, which is also expanding. Dubai lives thanks to the many people that work in it, without them, the city would still be in the same condition as it was 30 years ago, a desert. All of that requires money, so the city is safe and comforting for visitors. The money is gained by tourism, but since less and less people have money to visit Dubai, smaller amounts of money will come in. So, where does Dubai stand now? Probably one step from it's biggest glory, but also 20-30 years from its downfall. Laters.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

What is Oman?

Oman? Oman is a medium-sized country, located in the far south-east part of the Arabian peninsula, also known as 'the Capital of Islam'. The capital of Oman is Muscat, not such a big city, but very beautiful and peaceful. And no, whatever you've seen in Battlefield 2 makes no sense at all, because Gulf of Oman doesn't exist, you can now call it 'the Persian Gulf'. Oman is like the USA, but for Asians. It's a place where people respect you like their they respect their sultan. It is also the only country in the world that is ruled and owned by a sultan (called Qaboos). It's a place where badass jeeps and Ford Mustangs are average cars, where people are allowed to drive 120 kmph (100 mph), but the police doesn't mind even if you drive 140 kmph... A place where there are more tourists from Great Britain and West Europe, Hindus, Afghanis, Pakistanis than all people from Oman, a place where the hardest workers are Hindus, Afghanis, Pakistanis, a place where people die in monstrous car crashes, a place where having 4 wives is legal (most of the Omanians have 1 wife which is very polite and mature), a place where you can bang as soon as you're 15, a place where you can get married as soon as you're 15, place where you can wear white robes and still look badass, where you can wear a hat and look like a bellboy, where there are more children than adults, a place where Abraham Lincoln reincarnations are everywhere, a country in which everyone wants to know where you are from, a country with parking lots on the side of the motorway (you can literally stop anywhere on an expressway on the side and go for a walk), a country where there's more money than sand in the Neffuds combined, a country where there is an equality between men and women (in case you didn't know, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates have tons of restrictions for women, while Oman barely has any), a country where people like kids more than money, where you can buy a PS4 for exactly 400 euro, where on the retail box for CoD: WaW there's a picture of Captain Price, where you can eat Lebanese, Egyptian, American, Iranian, Turkish, Greek and Tunisian food under one roof, a place where villas and mansions with golden doors are on the both sides of the road, where mosques are lit up with bright colours, a country in which you need a permission to view porn sites, where pictures of the sultan in 4k resolution are everywhere, where everyone has a big-ass Samsung smartphone (no HTC, bitch), where every building looks like it was taken out of an Alaadin cartoon, a place where instead of models on billboards, there are women in robes, a place where on the airport there are no white guys, a place where I got starred at for being a white-ass European, a place where pedestrians have the right to cross the road at any time (all they have to do is to move their hand towards your car for you to stop... MAY THE FORCE BE WITH THEM), a place where American merch is in every hypermarket and supermarket, where in the city centre I feel like I'm in Las Vegas, where GTA V is always in stock, a place where PS4 is always in stock, a place where the beach is the only way for a tourist to get hurt, where there are separate beaches for Arabs and Europeans, where the milk is yellow, where the yoghurt is hard, where you can drop litter so someone else can clean it up for you, where the Sultan lives in a palace that is bigger and better than the Buckingham palace, where malls are on every corner, where the capital city is almost the same as my hometown, but has double more stuff, the place where I bought me a new headset, a place where people wear white robes on mourning days, where alcohol doesn't exist, where water is always warm, where Brits are everywhere, where people serve you like an emperor because you are white, where Phillipenese and Thai work at all the restaurants, where hot West European girls come, where the sultans yacht is in a public place, where you never know where the sultan is, where people are educated, where every kid has a gaming console, where I met some awesome people, and also, it is a place where I met my good friend, Mouhammad. That is why I love this country, it's beautiful and filled with excitement. BTW, if you scrolled down just to see the ending, you might wanna scroll a bit up, because I think you will enjoy the description. With this text, my intention was not to harm someone's feelings. My intention was to say what I love about the country, by describing. Basically, as you may see, I there's nothing about Oman that I don't find great, because even though i get starred at for being a white guy, I still don't mind :D. Anyways, my flight to Dubai is tomorrow morning, gonna be staying there for 13 days, and then I'm coming back on the 28th August. Maybe I write something like this about the Emirates :) Laters!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

New headset!

Just bought these Razer Krakens, they're pretty sick. Also, good thing i actually have time for a bit  of gaming here. The mic works flawlessly, and there won't be any more breathing into the mic during the YouTube videos. Here are some pics. Laters!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Tomorrow is the day...

So... Ummm... Yeah. Tomorrow, it's the start of my vacation. Can't wait! But, on the other hand, I thought everything through, and I decided to close the blog. I won't be doing this anymore and writing at all because I simply won't have time for that, my friend who introduced me to this closed her blog, and because I don't really see a point in doing it anymore. That's pretty much it. Anyways, I won't delete it probably, but I will only write a goodbye post to all who actually read this... Even though there aren't many. I'll just try to do more YouTube. Laters.

Friday, July 25, 2014

5 days

Eh... Vacation time... I feel excited but also kinda sad. To be honest, on my 1-month vacation, i won't be playing basketball or games, just going to the beach and taking a walk, since in the place I'm going to, there aren't people from my country AT ALL. Which place you ask? Well, it's deep into the Middle East, the richest part of this humble round planet, underneath Saudi Arabia, and it is called Oman. You may have never heard of the place, because nothing special goes on there, but they have the most money in the world, after United Arab Emirates. I'll be staying in Oman for 13-14 days, and after that, I'm off to Dubai. Yep, Dubai, one of the most beautiful and richest citites in the world... Can't wait! :D Not that I like to brag, actually, i barely stood up to write this, because if I were a bragger, i would have written about this ages ago. As I said in one of my videos, I'll be filming some places, and I will be posting them on YouTube, although, i'm not sure if I will have steady upload speeds there. That should be all for now. This blog will be empty for some time, mostly because I got other things to think about, not just this. Maybe, I will even be shutting it down, but let's just wait and see... Laters.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

So, uuummm, yeh...

Well, what can be said... My life during the holidays has been the same since the holidays started. I play games, basketball, edit the videos, render them (takes a buttload of my time) and I upload them. Playing basketball never gets boring, and I also found some new games that I could play and record, but the thing is, some of them are either not filled with stuff to have fun with or are just as GPU demanding as most games with Fraps RECORDING. Warface, plays good, even on high settings, but looks worse than Crysis 1 even though they both use the same engine. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is suuuuuch an awesome and funny game, but too much for my AMD HD 5650 for some reason... Anyways, gotta go to bed, tomorrow, i'll try to upload two videos. Laters.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

New videos coming in every day for the next few days!

Yep, i got some footage from today and from 2 days ago, which I'm planning to split into parts and upload. Also, i found this awesome new voice changer, which will really help me out a lot when it comes to playing MW3 and trolling people :P. Anyways, that's all i had to write about. i also started playing Warfarme and I gotta say that this game is the beast. Laters!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Plans for the near future...

I... Uh... Am not totally sure how will I be doing YouTube when school starts. It will be pretty hard, especially because i will also be going on the longest vacation of my life, deep into the deserts of Oman and coasts of the UAE. I will film something and post it on YouTube from my phone, since i will have free wifi in my room during my stay in the UAE, however, not sure about my room in Oman though. After i come back from vacation, i will have a few days to rest from the journeys before school starts on September 1st. I'm planning on playing some Gmod horror maps with some friends. Anyways, it's bed time. Laters.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Finished Bioshock Infinite

Ok... I just finished Bioshock Infinite, and it may be the first game to leave me speechless... After GTA IV. The story is the best I've ever went through, but the end is quite unecessary. I dun wanna spoil, but it's so unexpected... Some things i did manage to guess, but didn't hold them till the end. Either way, to be honest, I felt such simpathy towards Elizabeth for some reason, not a crush, but simpathy. When she felt sad, I felt sad too. My jaw reached the floor a dozen times, and just when you don't expect a twist, it happends, and it can be shocking. I'll maybe write a review, but since editing occupies my time, and of course other stuff, like recording or basketball, I dunno if i will have time... Heck, i barely have time to write this... It's like 2AM and i was editing the new video till 10 minutes ago. I gotta sleep now so laters!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Updates and updates!

Getting close to 10 subs, which is pretty cool, considering that I started 2 days ago. Starting the TTT series, but I will also play Minecraft and Unturned soon (Unturned has no multiplayer now, so i'll just wait it out). I'm planning to start gaming with a guy called 'TheDerpyGuy'. He is also new, and we had fun in the past in CS: GO so i doubt we won't have any fun now :) My rendering is at 24%! Videos have good quality and Sony Vegas kills the FPS drops! Woo! Anyways,.gotta do my new banner now! Laters!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Second video and some other stuff!

So, I just uploaded the second part of Garry's Mod MURDER Funny moments so if you guys enjoy the video, please leave a like, I'm aiming at like maybe 10 likes, I dunno, but every like will be very appreciated and a sub even more :D Now, I have discovered a brand new game that has been released on Steam, a F2P game called 'Unturned'. It's like a Minecraft meets DayZ and Rust kind of a game, but the worlds aren't created out of chunks, instead they are created out of normal textures. I think the game runs on the Unity engine, but not totally sure. It's really buggy and glitchy, and for some reason, none of my friends, including me can't join a single game nor create one even though we all forwarded our ports. Thank Gawd this game has a singleplayer option, so i'll record some of that and some Gmod tomorrow, or maybe something else, like CS: GO. Anyways, I gotta go to bed, had a tiring day. Laters.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Second video will be up soon!

I've been editing and editing... I now know the basics of Sony Vegas 11 Pro, but not enough to be like VanossGaming or speedyw03... Anyways, i got an image right here to show how the stuff is going. :D


Yay! Finally got that one up! The first video has been uploaded! This is my first video, and a lot of things got fucked up. I used Movie Maker, next time i'll use Sony Vegas 12 PRO. Please check it out, i would very much appreciate it. My voice is a bit low,.so i'll fix that soon. You can also subscribe and like the video if you want :D I'll talk to you guys later!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

What is really a gamer?

What is really a gamer? Yep I know, the question should be starting with 'Who', but let's just leave it like this. Considering gamers as non-creative humans with no life is a wrong way of looking at life. For example, my buddy plays video games almost all day, every day, and he's one of the funniest people I know. I play games a lot and I still do sports and have a social life. Many gamers think they're true gamers, but they're actually not. 'I play League! I'm a gamer!', said the kids. If you only play LoL, you shouldn't even be called a gamer, not to mention true gamer. To be a gamer, you need to play at least 2 games at a time, while being a true gamer is when you have more than 100 hours on 5 games that you play or just having more than 5 games installed/standing on the bookshelf (console). I really can't stand when people tell me that I'm not a true gamer, when THEY only play LoL, PES, Hearthstone or CoD. I can say that neither of the YouTubers that play only Minecraft are gamers, but they certainly play more than just Minecraft in their private life. Well, that is all i had to say about gamers, hope you share my opinion, and if not, dun worry, you'll get a cookie too. Laters.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Assembling the monster...

So, I have been begging my parents for a new PC for the past two years, but they would always end up buying me something else (a tablet, smartphone). Since they are, fair to say, satisfied with my school work, they asked me what i would like to get. I was first thinking of buying a brand new build, but i think i'll just replace some components. I was thinking of paying 330 euro for an AMD Radeon R9 280X and about 270 euro on an i7 Quad Core, still not sure which. Of course, i would need a new case and a motherboard, as well as a new power supply and coolers. All of that would cost me around 850 euro, which i hope is good enough. Adding some RAM is also a must, so adding another 50 euro for 4-6 more giggs of RAM. Anyways, that would be it. Laters!

Monday, June 23, 2014


School has finally ended... Gawd... Longest two weeks of my life, but the entire school year went by really fast. I didn't post earlier because i was busy, playing basketball, running, going out with friends. The weather is awesome for bike riding too! A few hours ago i got back from a festival, called 'The JuneFest'. It's the last day today and there you can find a huge amusement park (temporary ofc), drink stands and concert tents (which BTW are huge as hell). I screamed so much of enjoyment that I lost my voice, and I'm coughing now, gg. I wasted this month's pocket money there, but I'll just keep myself away from parties and crazy payed stuff for a while. I didn't drink alcohol there (i hate it), i only drank one can of cola, payed an arm and a leg for it because, monies lol. It was a blast... Anyways, you know that feel when you think a girl you like symphatizes you too? Yerp. I'll talk to you peeps soon. Laters.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Getting shit straight...

Finally fixed some grades, now i have a few more and i'm golden. Anyways, I have to say I'm surprised by the upcoming CoD, it sure beats Ghosts... Hell, Ghosts had 'last gen' written all over it, but Advanced Warfare really looks and plays cool. Battlefield: Hardline will be okay, but I won't be getting it because i don't consider ban heists battlefields. I'll just stick to BF4 and wait for GTAV to mod the shit out of it. Talk to you all peeps soon. Laters.

Friday, June 13, 2014


Far Cry 4 has been announced and shown. I think the setting couldn't have been picked better, the game will probably feature Shambala (Shangri-La) like we saw in Uncharted 2. Uncharted 4 looks too good to be true... The PS4 will maybe be able to render faces like Nathan's, but the environment will probably look worse or the same as in previous installments. TLoU for PS4 looks great, although the same goes for the last-gen version. Xbox One has some badass exclusives, like the Halo Master Chief Collection, or Forza Horizon 2 (compared to DriveClub, it's better). However, the PS4 has better exclusives waiting at the door, but will those games really shine, i heff no idea. Laters.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Inactivity incoming/E3

So, school is reaching its end and i have to work my ass off to pass with flying colours. I won't be posting at all for the next week. I know it's E3 time, but it's also the hardest part of the school year. After this ends, i'll be getting a new PC, which means more games! Really excited about GTAV for PC this Autumn, the game will probably be playable on 5-6 year old processors and GPUs since 2008-2009. For me, the looks of the game don't really matter. What matters is that this game will also be on PC, not sure why R* would release it on next-gen consoles though... Those will sell the least,.probably. I also can't wait for the new Uncharted and Far Cry, Star Wars Battlefront looks amazing too! Batman Arkham Knight is sick!
Anyways, i'll talk to you bros in a week or maybe earlier. Laters.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

2 day school trip!

Just got back from my school trip dudes! Unfortunately it wasn't how i expected it to be, but my buds and i made ourselves a buttload of fun times. The hotel was shitty as hell... My bud found a dead,.dislocated locust on his bed, the towels had dry blood on them and there was no after-shower hair dryer. Great, eh? The bus rides were fun, although today everyone was pretty tired because last night we had a disco party and no one went to sleep until 3-4 AM and slept till around 6AM (like me for example). Some guys from my class got illegally drunk, so my head teacher was pissed AF. Gotta go see what's up on Facebook. Laters.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

100th post special dudes!

Well, I heff to apologise for the rare posting... The posting frequency will, hopefully, increase through time, especially because the school will be breaking up soon and i'll be off to the holidays. Now, about my 100th special... I know that not that many peeps follow my blog, but i do know some do, sometimes. I wanted to say a bit more about myself, but not like my name and looks lol, so here we go...
I live in a small and poor country in Southeast Europe that is located between Italy and Greece (to make it simpler) called Serbia. I live in its capital, Belgrade (Beograd), one of the most humble and peaceful places on this giant planet we call Earth. I grew up in a hard-working family. When i was born, Belgrade was being bombed by the NATO airforces, luckily i don't remember any of those. As a kid, i had a passion for video games that could reach the sky. My first PC was a Pentium III, and boy it could run all sorts of games except for GTA. I liked sports at the time. Since then till now i have trained 4 different sports. At the time when i was 5, i would always ask my dad to show me some cool stuff in  3DMax (yep, it existed back then). All i could do was create and give shape to different shapes, but it was fun. When i finished 2nd grade of Primary, my parents bought me a PS3 (it came out a month before with its 600 euro price tag), i was sooooo happy! :D I would be playing it all day, every day, my eyes would become red, even though i was wearing glasses (i still am). I can also remember grabbing the last copy of GTA IV from the store shelf. I couldn't put the controller down at all once i started playing the game. One thing was for sure, my friends hated on me a bit because of my obsessiveness to video games, but i hardly cared, it was my choice whether i would be making my life better my way or not.
YourLocalNerd is just a part of the link i use when i create my profiles, it's usually in the description too. Why did i choose that? Well, simple, my friends call me a nerd, which i can be at some times, but rarely (i.e i study longer than 2-4 hours).
What about the name 'Comic King', you say? Well, there was this comic book design competition on a domestic level. I entered because i thought that MAYBE i could do something. After about 20 days, unexpectedly i got a message saying that i won 10th place in the country. I was speechless and exctatic... I couldn't believe that i actually had won something. Since that evening, my Steam nickname changed, forever. I finally had my own unique nickname... Absolutely unique (well, there are a few comic stores in Japan and China with the name as mine, but fuck 'em lol :P).
So, uuuh, there ya go! Something about me. I hope i'll get to post more about myself, but for now this is it :) I'll talk to you all soon. Laters.


Finding myself in the middle of a battle with an M4, a half filled pistol and an RPG while a tank is coming to fill me up with lead is only possible in games such as Battlefield. I would normally use my common sense and throw a sneaky C4 at the tank, but this time i had to improvise. Battlefield 3 brings us the nostalgia back from the times of Battlefield 2 with full on arsenal, destruction and carnage waiting to be taken at the right place and the right time.
The story follows a group of American squad members that go into Iran, Iraq and, of course, Russia to liquidate the bad guys. As much bad and boring it sounds, it actually really is. Constant cutscenes with dull dialogues and voice acting of Duke Nukem are stretchy, thus made me want to drop my joystick even faster. Before certain missions, you can choose your desired arsenal, ranging from perks to RPGs. Constant quick-action events are, indeed, a nice touch, but they fail to fix the overall influence. After passing the campaign and forgeting most of it immediately, i turned to the massive and thrilling multiplayer. As before, you get 4 classes, assault, recon, engineer and medic. Brand new long awaited option to customize weapons not depending on the class has finally been brought in, but the class drop-after-death has been kept. In order to assault your enemies, you can attack in more ways. For instance, my jet buddy took me to a high place, i jumped out, landed on a high building crawling with snipers, took all of them one by one. It's amazing on which places the snipers can be, but remember, bullets don't travel with the speed of light, every one of them has its trajectory until it hits the ground. Game modes such as rush and conquest are still here, along with squad DM and they haven't been changed at all.
The bright and shining looks of the Frostbite 2 engine are amazing and they push the consoles to the limit while the PC gamers can enjoy a bit better graphics and twice as much more players in games. The game doesn't require you to have such a powerful CPU nor GPU to play it on the lowest settings.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Which games I play... Which i don't.

When i was 4-6 years old, i had a PC monitor that worked thanks to the cathode ray tube. A few years later, i got a PC that i use even today, but mostly for games that won't burn my GPU or CPU to ashes. I was never really a fan of strategies or RTS games nor MMOs such as Star Trek Online or SWTOR (although i did play them for some time, until i reached a boss only beatable with premium items). I played League of Legends, but i realised i should just stick to Gmod, CS GO and other shooters/racing titles. LoL was fun for SOME time, but eventually it got boring and repetetive and I also realised that 90% of LoL players didn't get girls (if you think i'm wrong, think twice. Guys that no life on Tetris have a bigger chance of getting girls). Also, the LoL community is filled with try hard kids now... Makes me wanna puke. I mean, come the fuck on, internet cafés have been turned into LoL brothels! 'Uh, you killed my fucking Vayne, imma report you hacker Jewish bitch!' or better yet 'no wtf omfg y didnt u gone mid after i tell u to go mid u go top btch.. fck u jew cunt lern to play' and those are only Germans! You can't imagine what's it like with the Czechs and Polish guys, they also rage their asses off but in their language! LoL just makes me feel ok to play MW3 with kids that compliment me by calling me a hacker because i own them a few times with my predator missile. Gawd. Anyways, that's it for today. Talk to you guys tomorrow. Laters.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Entire world in a smartphone - Watch_Dogs REVIEW

NOTE: Upcoming reviews, including this one, will feature screenshots.
Games such as GTA and Saint's Row are famous for the ability to kill whoever you want, whenever you want. Watch Dogs is a game about power, power that, if it existed, would take over not just Chicago, but more than you can imagine.
The smartphone is your main weapon, but strange enough, it's quite unnoticeable. It can be used to hack into everything, from cameras to electrical facilities causing the entire city to lose elrctrical power for 10 seconds. By hacking into, let's say, someone's phone or their electrical thingies, you gather different info based on their clothing, looks and profession. Cameras are a vital factor. They represent steps and logical paths and are scattered all around the giant city of Chicago. Aiden can use them to hack into unreachable devices because of their big height mount attribute. I found it hard to like the lone character of Aiden Pierce, but then again, that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. During the 20 hour long campaign, upgrades can be bought, along with clothes guns and vehicles. While the selection may be vast, races truly were dissappointing. I did like the ride around the city, getting away from the cops and activating massive traps along the way hungry for more yellow blazing, but races show a true disbalance between you and your AI opponents. While they can just race and hit your side doors and bumpers, you can devastate them in a beautiful thus boring way. Quite much makes me surprised why there's no slow-mo in this game... The multiplayer is surprisingly great for a genre like this. Few game modes such as TDM and CTI (capture the intel) mainly focus on bringing down a buttload of bad luck on your enemies using your smartphone. You can also join another player's campaign anonymously and try to hack him and ruin a bit of his fun.
Chicago is an urban wasteland, a huge playground for you to conquer, and it's also one of the most beautiful cities you'll ever see. From huge skyscrapers to poor suburbian territories and polluted lakes designed with DirectX 11 tech, i let my tongue reach the floor. Character faces look realistic, lighting is smooth and explosions look marvelous. A lot of attention has been put into sidewalks and roads, while almost every single building has an interior.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Eh, people are dumb...

So, from time to time I go on YouTube to watch the trailers of the many CoD games, from CoD 4 to CoD AW. Wanna know why? I like the soundtracks in 'em. When i look to the dislike bar on every CoD trailer since CoD MW3, my mind puts my attention onto the comments section. It's mostly Battlefield fanboys bitching about how bad every CoD game is. Sure, it isn't what it used to be, but to complain about the game having small maps!? Da fuq!? Why would a game that evolved with small maps get bigger ones? Are you also gonna suggest to bring in a jeep that fires rockets out of the exhaust or better yet, rainbows coming out of your ass? Really? It's not like i'm choosing sides here (i haven't touched Ghosts in a long ass time) but to be that dumb, arrogant and plain retarded is just ridiculous. I'm not talking about a few people, i'm talking about thousands of haters. If you're gonna hate, make it rational. Going on a road trip with my school class on Sunday, it's gonna be awesome! I'll talk to you all soon. Laters.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Back from some more shit

Ummmm, well, shit has been going on. I actually live by a river and not so long ago there was long period of rainfall. Due to the massive rainfalls, i had to move to my old place on the other side of my hometown. Many rivers left their riverbeds and, well, my mom decided it was best to move out for a couple of days to a week. There i had no internet, so you might guess what sort of boreness i felt lol. I also got my phone fixed. I found a brand new battery, a very rare one, payed top euro for it (15€).  I guess i'm back to post more! I'll talk to you peeps soon. Laters.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The chase after Makarov continues - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 REVIEW

Modern Warfare 2 is the best CoD in the series, with all its content and thingies that we would have never expected. Modern Warfare 3, on the other hand, can be described as copy-paste or 'i've seen this before'. The game isn't bad, but so much same stuff is just ridiculous that this game could have been put out as a DLC, not as a 60 dollar release with no new stuff in it.
The campaign is a short, but satisfying experience, the story is clear, you play as Yuri, Price or some American or British soldier trying to kill Makarov. The story could have been longer, but IW got shut down a year before the release of MW3, so not that much money was given to them by Activision (AKA not that many fucks were given). I enjoyed the 4-5 hour campaign, it, indeed, had some amazing scenes. Shifting between Cpt. Price, Yuri and Soap is cool, and the story is quite interesting. The world is under the siege of a terrorist, Vladimir Makarov. Makarov is an example of a modern Hitler, with a few more extensions such as the word Russian written on his forehead. While there are no unexpected twists and turns, the campaign is mostly a pile of gun shootouts and very few intercations followed by some more shootouts. The AI of the soldiers is still the same (yes, which equals to mediocre). Enemies will still rush at you full speed to feed you with that brand new stock they bought at the local Russian gun store. Sometimes, enemies just stay put in one particular place until you come to knife them (they don't even notice you coming).
CoD: Modern Warfare 3 uses the same old engine used in CoD 4 and CoD: MW2, which makes the game look like... Meh. The same old props, the same models, the same guns that don't look polished since MW2... Just ultra-meh. I have found a door (yes, a white steel door) used since CoD 3 multiple times, usually where the enemy spawner is. With all this being the same as before, there is something new and strong, and those are the system requirements... But, don't get confused, i'm sure there was a mistake made by IW, and i think people even with single core CPUs (3.0 GHz) can run this game at least on the lowest settings.
After the great and satisfying campaign comes the multiplayer (along with Special Ops). It has been changed, but not necessarilly. New perks haven't been brought in, only their names have been changed (Assassin) or split into more different ones (Cold blooded has split into Blind eye and Assassin). Brand new things like the strike package, which allowes you to change the way you play (e.g. Assault gives you the normal killstreak system where when you die, your killstreak progress vanishes or Support where when you die, your killstreak progress persists). Assault has better killstreaks than support BTW. There also are, besides weapon attachments, weapon proficiencies. Proficiencies are like weapon perks that don't apply for the entire class you're using. E.g. kick reduces recoil and impact increases depth of bullet impact on stronger materials. Many of the maps look like the campaign mission maps, as before. On the other hand, there is Spec Ops, something we've already seen in MW2. Nothing's been changed, which I find good. As before, you beat smaller missions and you gain stars to unlock other new and better missions. This can be played in either multiplayer or singleplayer.

+                            -
    Great campaign                             Dull graphics
    Fun multiplayer                             'Seen before'
    Spec Ops

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is a fun game, it's potential is seen all around, while the dynamic charm makes me play it more every kill. I give this game an 8.7. For more game reviews, check out my blog. Laters.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


A bit rainy here... Not going to school for the next two days + weekend, but also no time for basketball because the weather is horrible... Oh well, i'll just go and play some CoD or CS or Minecraft... Anyways, i'll try and post more in the next few days. Laters.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The good old days...

When i was about 10 or11, i played my PS3 a lot, and when i say a lot i mean ALL DEY, ERRY DAY, until it broke meh :/. I played the heck out of CoD MW2 and i raged over the mic a lot, but i wasn't really a squeeker, my voice was actually pretty deep for that age. I would usually rage in my language, and some other German kids would join in with their German language (maybe they were Italians, i dunno). I came to a time where i would gain a prestige in two days, until i got bored on the 10th and bought BO I. BO I wasn't as good as MW2, i mostly got bored of it, even though it had some new fun game modes. The thing is, BO I died pretty fast after the releases of MW3 and BO II. MW3 was satisfying, mostly because it reminded me of MW2. I was still a rager, but mostly for trolling purposes. Yeah, trolling as a rager doesn't pay out, at least it sounds like it doesn't, but it does. Since i live in Europe, i mostly get into games with Germans, Brits, French, Dutch, Hungarian people and a lot of them rage andhave higher voices, and most people think that trolls have no life, but on the contrary they have a lot more of that 'life' in them than any other kid they troll. That's about it. I hope i'll be able to upload some troll montages onto my channel when i get my new PC (if i even get one). Laters.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Yes, we are back at it again... At this time of year, either IW or Treyarch (in the last few years VICE and Sledgehammer games also) announce a brand new CoD game. I remember when CoD: World at War was released, so much hype, almost 0% hate towards the franchise, and a year later, at the release of MW2, my favourite CoD, everything was just screaming 'Call of Duty'. Right now, i just play CoD BO II because it's a nice game, i don't have anything against Ghosts either other than its dull graphics, which aren't THAT BAD, but they aren't pretty either. Don't get me wrong, but, the only reason so many people hate on CoD is because it's almost the same game year after year after CoD BO I. I really have nothing against same graphics over and over again, look at Counter Strike for e.g, the game has some really muddy textures that've been here for a bit less than a decade. BF4 looks cool, a bit better looks than in BF3, cannot be compared to the CoD graphics equality but eh, there isn't much diff in BF either. It's not like i'm choosing sides here, but as much as people hated CoD or BF, those two games have outlived and will outlive many gaming franchises. These games will always have their gaming communities and fanbases (gamerbases lol). CoD: Advanced Warfare looks beyond what i expected, however, there still are signs of a polished 'Ghosts' game. The faces in Ghosts were nice too, and i doubt Kevin Spacey's face would be much different in that game. Other stuff such as abilities look cool, but i really don't like the idea of cloaking, because i got tired of it in Crysis 2 and 3 because of all the campers and such which of in CoD there are a billion. I have nothing against a futuristic era as long as there are no superpowers like in Crysis. You can check out the reveal trailer on YouTube. Laters.

So, who really is Boomer Kutlača (pronounced as Kutlacha)

A lot of my friends and people i know ask me who is Boomer Kutlacha. Well, it all started in 6th grade of Primary school, i did not have anything else to do other than reading a boring book, so i fetched myself a piece of paper and started drawing a comic book. At first i used to draw something based on what happened that day or the previous day or the previous week etc etc. Humans would be made out of a head, torso and limbs and legs along with feet. Shoes would mostly be the same on everybody, i would mostly make a difference based on characters' shirts because all of their faces were the same too. After a year or so, i got bored of drawing myself along with my friends in some boring events no one cared about, so i thought of a character who is of my nationality, but doesn't live here. In just 10 seconds i came up with a name that i would be awarded, honoured, blessed for for the next 3 years. The guy's name was Boomer Kutlača (Kutlača in my language means 'a big spoon' or whatever, i dunno how to translate that, and is a real life surname used today in my country). The comic book name was 'Crazy adventures of Boomer Kutlača'. Just after a few months, my arts teacher saw some of my work and she told me that i should send some of my work to a competition, so i did. Totally unexpectedly, after a month i was told that i got 10th place in my country. I was dazzled, it just came out of nowhere. A simple hobby turned into something serious, and i never expected it to be happening... I still draw episodes from time to time, but free time is never an option in Middle School. Anyways, that's how it all started, but i doubt it will turn into something way more serious because mom and dad don't really want me to be a comic book artist because comic book artists don't usually get that much money for their work. I'll talk to you all in a bit, hopefully. Laters.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The bearded Noah

I was at the movies with some friends the other week and we went to watch 'Noah' starring Russel Crowe. The movie was cool, and it had some unexpected fight scenes, but not too many of them. I wish i could have watched it with another friend of mine, because i think we would have had more fun and laughs than i had with my friends. Anyways, i recommend everyone to see this piece of eye candy! Laters.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Dem blushies

I'm a chatterbox during classes, and I can't remember myself being like that back in Primary School, bleh. Usually, i get told by the professor to be more quiet, and when that happends, I BLUSH! Out of nowhere, there comes this weird heat into my head, and in my cheeks... It can be annoying as hell. Also, when i kiss with a girl in the cheek (usual salutation between kids here) I BLUSH! When i'm being looked at by more than two people, I BLUSH! When i'm with a girl alone, I BLUSH! When i talk to a girl, I BLUSH! Holy buttholes! And also, my friends notice me BLUSHING, so they like to pick on me for it, bleh, but i don't mind (it wouldn't be a huge problem if i weren't the ONLY dude BLUSHING in my class so often). Yes, i'm the one and only... For some reason. My other (girl) friends tell me that BLUSHING is cute, but i dunno :P. I gotta go and do some math, shit's getting serious as hell. Laters. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I'm back... for a short brief.

School is starting tomorrow, no more Spring holidays. Sorry for not posting, even though not that many peeps follow this... I've been playing Minecraft and filming using Fraps, so I hope that soon I'll have some gameplay and fun times on my new YT channel (it will include my voice reveal too). I've played with a few Americans (Dallas, Dode, Terry, Prometheus), one Dutch guy (Xaioa) and one Belgian guy (Dingletron). The series will follow all of us on a server owned by a gaming community we're all a part of. I'll hopefully play with another guy, a YouTuber that I've talked about earlier, however, that will probably happen in June. I won't be uploading so fast due to my shitty upload speed of 0.8 MB/s (equal to 80kb/s). Oh and yeah, I was at the cinema last Friday with a few buds of mine from Primary school, we went to watch the new 300, it was awesome! It may not be like its predecessor but it fulfills what was promised with it. I won't be posting as much, however, I'm hoping that I will write the Titanfall review in time. Laters.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

IGN and YouTube...

Yeh sure, everyone has their own goal in life. I don't really have much reasons to be proud of my dreams, but a good job is the one you enjoy with full heart. When I was young, I didn't have my own perspective on life and worldwide economy, hell, the economy wasn't even in this much danger... There's more things I wanna become in life, actually, one of the three things. One of 'em is an NBA player, but my doubts sure are high on that, I never was the best at the sport, I was always and still am, an average guy who's passionate 'bout b-ball. Programming would be another one of my dream jobs. People see programmers as people that are empty, soulless, that have no interests other than just sitting at the computer desk all day, erry day trying to make a virtual penis. That's what most of the people think, but it's far from the truth. Programmers might be the most creative peeps on this planet (well, after artists of course), they have a sense of humour and they have talents like drawing etc. I would wanna be a video game reviewer/critic. During my entire life, I've played video games (not 'all dey, erry dey' but if I would have some free time, I would mostly play a few rounds on CS, CoD, BF, Gmod etc.). IGN and YouTube are the place to be. The guys at IGN are the best critics. Sure, they gave CoD Ghosts an 8.8 or AC III an 8.5, but they are mostly fair with their gaming reviews. That's why I wanna join IGN, becuss dey bee cool :). Oh yeah, one more thing, Spring holiday is starting tomorrow, so I'll have more time for writing 'bout stuff. Oh and, happy bday to my good friend Leo Kitty! Laters.

Monday, April 7, 2014

So many birthdays...

A lot of my friends are having birthdays soon, and i'll want to buy 'em some gifts. Gawd, for some of 'em i'm not sure, most of them like video games or cool t-shirts, some like chocolate bars and candy (dey bee fat doe). The worst thing is, i dunno if i'll have enough pocket money to buy all of the gifts. Yeh, i can always ask mom or dad, buuut, i don't wanna, because i'm already too heavy on their backs. I've been thinking of finding a way to have my own way of income, like my parents did when they were my age. Both of them worked at some cheap places (my dad actually got hired to hold a prop in a movie, he got some decent money for it too, but he spent it on a vacation... I would have spent it on a brand new console or Atari 2000 :P). When i was about 9 or 10, i had my own YouTube channel... I don't wanna say the name because it was a childish name, immature and not from the normal world (ps3fanboy998), lol. I had some videos on it, mostly GTA IV and Saint's Row II that i filmed with my potato camera while playing them on my, well logically, PS3. It was an era of battles between XB360 and PS3, and i was a fond of commenting hater stuff on Xbox 360 videos. Later on, my account got banned, and my 42 subscribers were gone... UNTIL NOW! I actually have a YouTube channel with a video on it (dun worry, i'm not a hater anymore). The channel is called Game Pit, but i'll be making another gaming channel on which i'll try to get over 100 subs... The thing is, a good friend of mine plays Minecraft with a guy from Finland who has 5k subs and he's also got a partnership with YouTube. I asked them if i may join them and they agreed! Hoorah! Now just gotta buy Minecraft and i'm good to go. Alright, that should be it for a while. I haven't been active because of school and what not. I'll be more active from April 15th-16th, hopefully. Laters.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Lets get this shit straight, a'ight?

Yes, i understand a look at gaming as some sort of passion, but buying so much stuff just so you get some style or in other words 'swag' is totally uncompulsory... In CS: GO there are plenty of gun skins, they can be either StatTrak or normal, either field-tested, factory new etc depending on the quality and the looks of the skin. Many peeps spend a lot of money on cases and keys. Keys cost 1-2 euro, while cases go under 0,4 euro. Cases are opened with keys, and in those cases is, maybe, the most beautiful thing you will ever see in your entire lifetime or something that will make you cry (of sadness and make you buy even more keys and cases). Knives, believe it or not, cost the most monies. An average knife costs about 200 euro... Yep, you've read it right. For example, one of the most expensive knives is Karambit | Scorched (name | skin) and it costs 419 USD, which equals to about 380 euro! Do you know what you can buy for that money? Just add 20 euro and buy yourself a PS4 or a Titanfall bundled Xbox ONE!
TF2 also has its system of opening crates and getting overpriced items. Earbuds were the most expensive item for a long time, costing 40 euro (60 dollars) on the market. After about 6 months due to earbuds being popular, items with bigger prices started to imerge, because more and more players started selling particular already-existing items for bigger sums of money, making those items the most expensive. Depending on the item prices, the rarity of them either rises or goes down. The Golden Frying Pan in TF2 costs as much as 5000 dollars if it were being sold on the Steam community Market. Same thing goes for The Burning Team Captain. Anyways, that's all i have to say about gaming passion. I'm thinking of buying DayZ, but not sure. Laters.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


So, recently i posted a review for CoD BO II. CoD is a game where kids under the age of 14/13 are trolled and herassed for their voice, rage etc. MinnesotaBurns, a YouTuber who was banned multiple times by Infinity Ward and Treyarch for mass troll and game funtages by making fun of other kids (and their parents) posted a video about a year ago in which he trolls a kid by turning on Headshots only and playing 1vs1 against him. Yes, kids are whiny and they rage because they're obviously spoilt. I actually watched this video when it still had around 100,000 views because i was subbed to Burnsy. Two times in the video, the kid spells out his YouTube channel name: mimimoize. At first, i didn't even bother looking it up, but a few days ago, when i did, i found out that it got so MUCH hate that people (mostly kids maybe even younger than mimimoize) created videos just to say how much they feel the hate towards him. I have to admit, at first, i gave 0 fucks for the kid, but that was before i found out about his YouTube channel and its negative popularity. Yes, it's got 1000 subs, but all of the videos on it are disliked like no other! The comment sections are just exploding with negative comments! I feel sorry for this kid, he just wanted to play the damn game, and it brought him the infamous factor. Hey, i'm a kid too, but i guess Bursny wouldn't troll me because some people come out of the hole smarter than the pranker. It was hard for me to believe that some people had the balls to still come on this kid's channel and post stupid comments about how bad this kid is. Lets be clear, he is bad, but how could he have known that it was set on HS only? I respect Burnsy, i do, he teaches kids in his videos some lessons, but i think he went a bit too far on this one... The video has over 5 million views, so why bother anymore right?  Click here, the link to the discussion page of mimimoize's main channel. His first channel was called 'mimimoize' but he shut it down after finding out about the video. He created mimimozethe2nd, but he shut that down too because of the same bad publicity. Now, he's got MimimoizeVLOGS and MimimoizeGAMES. I think he needs some respect and don't think i gave you this link just so you could terrorize the kid. Anyways, i'll be buying Titanfall soon, i hope. Laters!

The battle for the planet continues - Call of Duty: Black Ops II REVIEW

NOTE: A lot of people didn't like this game, but i did. It's pretty cool and fun, and it's campaign is maybe even the best in the franchise. I just wanted to let some peeps know that reviewing is just giving out personal opinion and recommendations. Now for the review...

9th year since the franchise began to heat up our PC CPUs and GPUs, and it's still active and is one of the best FPS games out there. CoD BOII is better than MW3, worse than MW2 and MW, but it has that charm that makes you not forget about the game, it has some unique features and the theme is fairly relevant. Some people find the futuristic setting quite boresome and uninteresting, but i find it amuzing and fresh for the series (MW was a leap forward, so why wouldn't BOII be one too?).
CoD: BOII brings a ton of new stuff, but also keeps some that presented probs in the previous installments. The campaign structure is mostly the same over and over again i.e. you spawn somewhere, go through a bunch of 'hallways', kill some enemies (mostly Eastern Europeans standing in cover or rushing towards you for a juicy taste of an M4A1 bullet), collect the objective (or just simply go to it) after which the entire level starts going down apart in explosions and flames and BOOM! Level completed! If the mission structure is nothing like that, don't worry, it will be almost the same without scripted level destruction. The problem is, enemy AI is dumb and at some points, quite useless. There's just no strategy involved, and your only job is to kill enemies and nothing else (well, you can also interact with certain elements like buttons or levers or jumps, but in order to get there, you'll need to spill way more blood than you think you would in the first place). Sometimes, i would even get hit when i'm in cover, behind a thick steel door, and enemy bullets would still keep going through, while mine wouldn't even reach half way. The story follows David Mason, the son of Alex Mason from CoD: BO, and the story is well told. The many cutscenes that don't only involve first person perspective are interesting and well acted, and they also bring out emotions, while the character faces and lip syncing have been done really well. The game has a long campaign, which is enjoyable. Apart from the dumb-ish AI, the many action sequences tell the game's story like no CoD before. There are dog fights (mostly scripted), controlled bug sequences and numerous interactions.
CoD: BOII uses the same engine as CoD WAW and CoD BO, but wiith a few upgrades that make the system requirements a lot higher than the ones for IW's CoD games. The game looks descent, the guns look cool and polished, but many map textures are still blurry even on the highest settings.
After i was done with the campaign, i jumped straight to multiplayer. Maps are medium sized, some are pretty small (Nuketown 2025). Treyarch added more killstreaks and decided to change their name to 'scorestreaks', which are gained by getting certain amounts of kills without dying. Again, there is the gun customization which allows you to customize your dot on your red dot or holographic sight and of course you can put your customized emblem on the gun and give it some additional swag. Creating classes has been fixed (most of it). The new '10 per class' system allows every player to have a maximum of 10 items (guns, attachments, grenades, perks not including weapon camos). It's also worth mentioning that you cannot pay to have more slots. This way, all of the players are equal. The ability to customize your soldier's face has been taken out, which i didn't find as a bad thing, mostly because it was unnecessary.

+Tweaked multiplayer                                             -Dumb-ish AI
  10 per class system                                                 Mission structures
  Choice of weapons          

Call of Duty: Black Ops II is a great game that deserves attention, even after 1.5 years of being out in the stores (check Steam stats and you'll notice that both MW3 and CoD BO II have more players than CoD: Ghosts). It does have a lot of problems, but it still is one of the best CoDs in the franchise. I give this game an 8.4. For more reviews, check out my blog. Laters!